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WideFS client on a second PC With FSX too

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My Config:

SERVER : FSX FSUIPC 4.60, WIdeview, 13 Goflight Modules, 4 screens 1900x1200, two for the front and forward Front views on a Nvidia GTX285 (works ok on Vista64 with an i7 extreme processor), and two screens for the instruments (Front Panel, FMC/FMS, Overhead and Throttle panel or else depending on the plane.

CLIENT : FSX and Wideview, two screens 1900x1200. FSX only used to get the Front Left Outside view in 1900x1200

Everything is working well, the client follows the server very fluently.

But I would like to replace a screen on the CLIENT with a TouchScreen for the Overhead panel (SERVER is full now). WideFS would be great for that...

I have read somewhere that WideFS client does not like to see one FSX running too on the client.

Is there a trick to make WideFS ignore the FSX on the client?

That would be the only way that I know at this time to have the 3 Outside views in 1900x1200 (No 52 inches screen can do 3800x2400 in resolution, so far I know)

Or should I go with Project Magenta instead of WideFS ?

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... I would like to replace a screen on the CLIENT with a TouchScreen for the Overhead panel (SERVER is full now). WideFS would be great for that...

I have read somewhere that WideFS client does not like to see one FSX running too on the client.

Is there a trick to make WideFS ignore the FSX on the client?

Yes. Set the "ClassInstance" parameter in the Wideclient.INI file to something like 1.

On one of my Client PCs I have three copies of WideClient running -- one is 'normal', accepting applications and talking to FS normally, the other two are ClassInstance's 1 and 2 supporting two separate 7" touch screens, one for pilot the other co-pilot positions.

Such an install of WideClient cannot support normal FSUIPC applications, of course, because this parameter changes the FS window name which such programs look for. They will still try to attach directly to FS itself or a normal install of WideClient.



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Hi Pete,

And you are working on saturday, what will say your wife ??

Your answer is really a great news for me !! I will buy WideFS too

So it is possible to have several WideFS Client, with only one acting as "normal WideFS" and the others specialized for one instrument panel each .

What do you think to have a Graphic card with 3 ports, one with the outside view through Wideview, one with an overhead 1900x1080 "Classinstance 1", the last with an FMS/FMC "Classintance 2" on a 12" or 9" or less depending on readability

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So it is possible to have several WideFS Client, with only one acting as "normal WideFS" and the others specialized for one instrument panel each .

Erhold on. Where does this "instrument panel" come from? WideFS is NOT FS. You cannot extract gauges from FS and magically place them into WideFS's Window. All FS gauges need most of FS supporting them to work.

If you mean add-on gauge-supplying programs, like Project Magenta, then obviously they need the normal Wideclient installation, as I just explained, and that can't be run on the same PC as FS.

The touch-sensitive screens I'm talking about are used for an array of rectangular buttons, colour codes, and several pages of them. I think you should download and read through the documentation for WideFS before you spend any money!

What do you think to have a Graphic card with 3 ports, one with the outside view through Wideview, one with an overhead 1900x1080 "Classinstance 1", the last with an FMS/FMC "Classintance 2" on a 12" or 9" or less depending on readability

If you would be happy with an overhead which is only an array of rectangular button areas, and similarly for an FMS, with no displays and so on, fine. But it certainly now sounds like you are seriously misunderstanding something here.



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Well well well,Ok Ok, the disapointment follows the enthousiasm.....

What I "just" want to do is to displace an Overhead from any plane choosen from my Server screens on a screen of my Client PC "only"......, specially the Overhead for the use of a touch screen.

1/ There is a solution with a virtual Deskstop (already tested, and it works almost good), which is not quick enough from my opinion, but would be acceptable, but opens a security failure in the network, so far I know.

2/ With Project Magenta, you can only do that for the planes choosen by themselves. It would work for my B767 Level-D, but I search a solution for all the planes.

It seems that outside the virtual Desktop, there is no solution yet. I need to work on the safety side of the virtual Desktop....

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What I "just" want to do is to displace an Overhead from any plane choosen from my Server screens on a screen of my Client PC "only"......, specially the Overhead for the use of a touch screen.

Unless you use a third party instrumentation system such as Project Magenta, Sim-Avionics or Flight Deck software, there's no way to do that -- except i think there's some video driver that sends images over networks. I don't remember the name and I'm not sure how efficient that can be. FS's gauges are 100% dependent on graphics code inside FS. They don't have any graphics capabilities which can be transposed elsewhere.

2/ With Project Magenta, you can only do that for the planes choosen by themselves.

PM and the others provide only instrumentation and systems programming (A/P, Overhead and all sorts of subsystems), not the aircraft. you choose your own aircraft model.

It would work for my B767 Level-D, but I search a solution for all the planes.

There's no suitable external instrumentation of systems programs which can properly handle "all the planes". That's not a realistic target. You are best off sticking to a single PC implementation.

I've known of single PCs using 6 screens, two sets of three via two Matrox Triple-Heads To Go. Top three as one scenery window, the other three with undocked instruments. That can work quite well. the only 3D window is the wide top one over 3 screens, so there's no big impact on performance.




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