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I study Flight simulator platform(6DOF).

Our lab have a platform. This simlurator is installed FSX and is optimized Cessna 172(?).

I want to change airplan, about T-50 Golden Eagle.

how do I optimized motion of simulator about T-50 Golden Eagle .

and I want to know what is input and output in FSUIPC.

becuse our simulator is operated FSUIPC.


how do I optimized motion of simulator about T-50 Golden Eagle .

Sorry, I can't realy advise on such matters. If no one else here can help I suggest trying one of the other forums specialising more in such things. For example you might find better help in http://www.mycockpit.org/forums or viewforum.php?f=106 .

and I want to know what is input and output in FSUIPC. becuse our simulator is operated FSUIPC.

Full information on the FSUIPC application interface is provided in the FSUIPC SDK, obtainable from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson .



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