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Hi Peter, I am having an issue with my connection to Wide FS. I installed it on my FS machine. I made the folder consisting of the exe and the ini file and attemp to connect. What happens is the client connects and then is immediatly disco'd and the process continues. In the log file it says that the connection is made ok but then is disco'd by the server. IN this case I assume the server is my desktop machine? I do have my FS folder and the APP folder shared on this machine.

I am able to see the map of all my machines and share files over my network at home. SO, I believe the network is right.

I also edited the ini to my desktop pc name and the TCP under protocol.

The client machine is a wireless laptop. I have also tried this with a wire and the same thing happens.

All it does is sit there and connect and then disco, all in about 1 second.

Can you help please?

Many thanks


Ok Peter, after some more looking. I have found that my floight sim folder is not allowing access to the remote (client machine) I have no idea why. I can share files and folders. but not the FS folder.

What a pain this is proving to be. Nothing I have tried to do works as it should.

I do have my FS folder and the APP folder shared on this machine.

WideFS doesn't care at all about file or folder sharing. that's for programs needing to access files. wideFs deals in FS data and does so directly, not via files.

I am able to see the map of all my machines and share files over my network at home. SO, I believe the network is right.

That's okay for Explorer, but not necessarily other programs. Their access may depend on your firewalls.

I also edited the ini to my desktop pc name and the TCP under protocol.

That shouldn't be necessary unless you insist on using different WorkGroup names.

Can you help please?

No, not without seeing the WideServer and WideClient logs. That is what they are for, to show us what is going on.



Ok Peter, after some more looking. I have found that my floight sim folder is not allowing access to the remote (client machine) I have no idea why. I can share files and folders. but not the FS folder.

That is still irrelevant to WideFS, though it may prove fatal to some other programs you may wish to run on the Client.



Ok Peter, here are the files. It looked like I had 2 log files in the modules folder. I put them both here. Port error??

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.78] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 08/06/10, Time 18:40:06.356: Server name is DAVIDZYCHOWSKI

19938 Initialising TCP/IP server

19938 Initialising IPX/SPX server

19938 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

19938 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

19938 Initialising UDP/IP server

20141 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

31094 Restarting service due to total lack of use

31094 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

2159391 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 0 alloc, 0 free

Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

********* WideServer.DLL Log [version 6.78] *********

Blocksize guide = 4096 (double allowed)

Date (dmy): 08/06/10, Time 18:26:33.365: Server name is DAVIDZYCHOWSKI

19578 Initialising TCP/IP server

19578 Initialising IPX/SPX server

19578 IPX/SPX socket() failed [Error=10044] Socket type not supported

19578 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

19578 Initialising UDP/IP server

20109 Broadcasting service every 1000 mSecs

30609 Restarting service due to total lack of use

30609 Failed to start IPX/SPX Server

240500 Closing down now ...

Memory managed: Offset records: 0 alloc, 0 free

Read buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Write buffer usage: 0 alloc, 0 free, max in session: 0

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

Throughput maximum achieved: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

Throughput average achieved for complete session: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

********* Log file closed *********

********* WideClient Log [version 6.78] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 08/06/10, Time 16:04:27.080: Client name is DAVIDZYCHOWS-PC

1248 Attempting to connect now

1326 Trying TCP/IP host "DAVIDZYCHOWSKI" port 8002 ...

1326Okay, IP Address =

1357 Connection made okay!

1529 Connection closed by server!

1529 Attempting to connect now

1638 Connection made okay!

1810 Connection closed by server!

1810 Attempting to connect now

1919 Connection made okay!

2309 Connection closed by server!

2309 Attempting to connect now

2403 Connection made okay!

2761 Connection closed by server!

2761 Attempting to connect now

2902 Connection made okay!

3292 Connection closed by server!

3292 Attempting to connect now

3401 Connection made okay!

3432 Connection closed by server!

3432 Attempting to connect now

3541 Connection made okay!

3697 Connection closed by server!

3697 Attempting to connect now

3807 Connection made okay!

4025 Connection closed by server!

4056 Attempting to connect now

4150 Connection made okay!

4571 Connection closed by server!

4571 Attempting to connect now

4680 Connection made okay!

5179 Connection closed by server!

5179 Attempting to connect now

5289 Connection made okay!

5445 Connection closed by server!

5445 Attempting to connect now

5554 Connection made okay!

5694 Connection closed by server!

5694 Attempting to connect now

5803 Connection made okay!

6022 Connection closed by server!

6022 Attempting to connect now

6147 Connection made okay!

6271 Connection closed by server!

6271 Attempting to connect now

6381 Connection made okay!

6568 Connection closed by server!

6568 Attempting to connect now

6661 Connection made okay!

7129 Connection closed by server!

7129 Attempting to connect now

7223 Connection made okay!

7457 Connection closed by server!

7457 Attempting to connect now

7566 Connection made okay!

7800 Connection closed by server!

7800 Attempting to connect now

7909 Connection made okay!

8284 Connection closed by server!

8284 Attempting to connect now

8377 Connection made okay!

8549 Connection closed by server!

8549 Attempting to connect now

8658 Connection made okay!

9001 Connection closed by server!

9001 Attempting to connect now

9111 Connection made okay!

9360 Connection closed by server!

9360 Attempting to connect now

9454 Connection made okay!

9813 Connection closed by server!

9813 Attempting to connect now

9922 Connection made okay!

10296 Connection closed by server!

10296 Attempting to connect now

10390 Connection made okay!

10437 Connection closed by server!

10437 Attempting to connect now

10546 Connection made okay!

10780 Connection closed by server!

10780 Attempting to connect now

10905 Connection made okay!

11263 Connection closed by server!

11263 Attempting to connect now

11357 Connection made okay!

11560 Connection closed by server!

11560 Attempting to connect now

11731 Connection made okay!

12215 Connection closed by server!

12215 Attempting to connect now

12324 Connection made okay!

12589 Connection closed by server!

12589 Attempting to connect now

12933 ****** End of session performance summary ******

12933 Total time connected = 10 seconds

12933 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

12933 Reception average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

12933 Transmission maximum: 3 frames/sec, 651 bytes/sec

12933 Transmission average whilst connected: 2 frames/sec, 614 bytes/sec

12933 Max receive buffer = 187, Max send depth = 1, Send frames lost = 0

12933 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 1, Alloc 60 Freed 60 Refused 0) *********


1326 Trying TCP/IP host "DAVIDZYCHOWSKI" port 8002 ...

1326Okay, IP Address =

That IP address is an Internet address, not one on your local network. That is the problem. In fact it appears to be an "OpenDNS" address as follows:



Organization: OpenDNS, LLC

Proxy: None detected

Type: Corporate

Assignment: Static IP


Geolocation Information

Country: United States us flag

State/Region: Virginia

City: Ashburn

Latitude: 39.0165

Longitude: -77.5063

Area Code: 703

Postal Code:

This is what Windows is being provided in return for being given the name "DAVIDZYCHOWSKI" to translate.

You either need to sort out your router so it gives corerect addresses, or specify the actual IP address in the Wideclient INI file. It might even work if you removed the ServerName and Protocol entries from the INI file and let the details from the Server work for you -- just make sure, as the documentation states, that your PCs are in the same WorkGroup. WideServer should provide the correct address, provided the local name is correctly translated into the correct IP address, which I believe it has been on other similar systems.

For further information, please see the additional data about this "OpenDNS" problem which has been added to the WideFS documentation (get Wideclient 6.81 from the Updates announcement for this), or see the other recent threads about it, such as viewtopic.php?f=54&t=80129 .




Hi Peter. Well, I read the threads and it makes as much sense to me as Japanese would. I am not at all savvy when it comes to this networking stuff. The fartherI get in it, the more confused I become. I did put the ip addr in the client ini flie. I am sorry to say that it still looks for the other ip. It ignores the ip in the ini. I also looked through all of the setup stuff in the router and cannot find what it would take to not allow the alt DNS. I really didn't find anything in there about it. I did find a bunch of stuff I have no idea how to use or what it does though :?: I will have to call D-link support I guess.

I did redownload the client from the FS9 section and started from scratch in a feeble attempt that maybe it would work. No luck.

Looks like I will not be networking ASE from my laptop with WideFS. :cry:

I have even less of an idea of how to solve this issue now than I did before.

Although there was a ray of hope that the ini edit with the ip addy would fix the issue it was quickly dashed when I fired up the sim and the client.

I appreciate your support and guidance. :)



It was the DNS server causingthe issue like was inthe thread. I just had to dig a little to find that damn button!

Many thanks Peter!

Now I have to find why only certain files will share depsite the fact I shared them all.

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