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VRInsight and VATSIM on second PC, does it work?

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my name is Thorsten. I have the following question:

I'm using two PCs and windows 7 64 bit.

On the first PC FSX runs.

On the second PC I want to use VASFMC and my VRInsight MCP.

Is it possible to controll the VASFMC with the VRInsight MCP with FSUIPC?

I hope, you could help me.

Best regards.


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On the second PC I want to use VASFMC and my VRInsight MCP.

Is it possible to controll the VASFMC with the VRInsight MCP with FSUIPC?

I don't know VasFMC well enought to say for sure. I assume it wants keyboard inputs.

You have to connect the MCP to the FSX PC, not to the second PC. I have no VRInsight support in WideClient.

Follow the instructions for VRInsight devices as given in the documentation. Check the Lua one for VTRI devices in particular. There's already a Lua program there for handling Mach speeds on the MCP Combi,

Then you'd need to program all of the A/P related buttons and knobs, in FSUIPC, to use "KeySends" to get them over to the second PC, and in WideClient.INI there you have to convert all of those KeySends into appropriate keypresses for VasFMC. For the displays, it depends. Can you read the VasFMC displays in FSUIPC offsets? If so you'd need to add more filters in FSUIPC's INI to stop SerialFP2 sending FS values, and add Lua code into the Lua program to read the offsets and send the values to the displays. If VasFMC uses FS values then you could leave that to SerialFP2.

It might be quicker and easier to get it all working on the FS PC first, then transfer VasFMC to the second PC and revise the assignments to use KeySend and WideClient keypresses then.

It probably isn't going to be very easy, and I'm afraid I cannot help much as I don't use VasFMC. Also, from tonight I am on holiday with no Internet access until October 17th.



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