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FSUIPC not allowing Winds Aloft Update

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When departing an airport the winds are as reported and they update while in the climb and in cruise. When decending for arrival the aloft winds from ActiveSky WXre update but FSUIPC does not import them so I am landing with very high surface winds. I do notice if I clear the weather in FSUIPC it will update but that seems like a pain to do that every time. Any solutions would be great.

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When departing an airport the winds are as reported and they update while in the climb and in cruise. When decending for arrival the aloft winds from ActiveSky WXre update but FSUIPC does not import them

FSUIPC never imports anything. It is entirely passive in this matter. It simply passes on data from the program to FS, as it is requested to do so, and when it is requested to do so.

If ActiveSky isn't updating the winds through FSUIPC you need to get that sorted with their support I'm afraid. But read on first.

When reporting any problem, whether to me or to application authors, you need to give some details, every time. Like which Flight Simulator? Which version of ActiveSky? Which version of FSUIPC? These things are quite important and no one can guess them.

There has been a known problem in FS2002, which was never resolved, where a specific wind value "sticks". It need not be a high wind, it can be anything, but people only notice the high ones. It isn't a frequent occurrence, and it was never reproducible to order, but it can occur with FS's own weather, even with no FSUIPC installed.

When this does occur, even going into FS's own weather dialogues and changing the wind there doesn't change it. It is only fixed by clearing all weather, or by reloading a flight or an aircraft (which effectively do this first, too). I think this indicates a cache update problem in FS2002.



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