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Best methode for read and write to FsUip with Delphi

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Hi All ,

It's my first topic.:grin:

Can you help me about the best methode for read and write Offset with FPCuser Lib.

I post 2 methodes :

the values of offset ,lenght offset ,and value offset are on a array.

//----- methode 1 -------------------------------------------------

procedure TForm1.ScanEventTQTimer(Sender: TObject);

var dwResult : DWord;

i : Word;

valeur : Word;


ScanEventTQ.Enabled := False;

//--- Lecture des Offset FsUipc

For i := 89 To 105 do


FSUIPC_Read(TabOffset[i,0], TabOffset[i,1], ADDR(Valeur), dwResult);


TabOffset[i,2] := Valeur; //Charge le tableau avec la valeur reçue pour l'offset correspondant


ScanEventTQ.Enabled := True;


//----- methode 2 -------------------------------------------------

procedure TForm1.ScanEventTQTimer(Sender: TObject);

var dwResult : DWord;

i : Word;

valeur : Word;


ScanEventTQ.Enabled := False;

//--- Lecture des Offset FsUipc

For i := 89 To 105 do


FSUIPC_Read(TabOffset[i,0], TabOffset[i,1], ADDR(Valeur), dwResult);

TabOffset[i,2] := Valeur; //Charge le tableau avec la valeur reçue pour l'offset correspondant



ScanEventTQ.Enabled := True;


Or a other ?


Best regards

Cs200 from belgium :rolleyes:

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Can you help me about the best methode for read and write Offset with FPCuser Lib.

Someone may be able to help with Delphi. Sadly not I. However:

For i := 89 To 105 do


FSUIPC_Read(TabOffset[i,0], TabOffset[i,1], ADDR(Valeur), dwResult);


TabOffset[i,2] := Valeur; //Charge le tableau avec la valeur reçue pour l'offset correspondant


You should do all of the Reads first, THEN one process. Every Process call you make stops your program whilst control is handed over to FS/FSUIPC to get the data. It is very wasteful. The whole reason for the Process call being separated from the Reads and Writes is to allow a complete set of read/write requests to be formulated for dealing with in one efficient exchange, once per timer cycle.

For i := 89 To 105 do


FSUIPC_Read(TabOffset[i,0], TabOffset[i,1], ADDR(Valeur), dwResult);

TabOffset[i,2] := Valeur; //Charge le tableau avec la valeur reçue pour l'offset correspondant



that looks better, except that it won't work like that because your values won't appear in your "Valeur" variable until AFTER the Process call (obviously?).

Why not read directly into where you want them to go -- i.e. "TabOffset[i,2]". What's the point in putting them in "Valeur" then trasferring them?


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