Jan Kremmel Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 hello, i tried to install the JS41.LUA commands without success. as descriped in article: 1.) i copied the code into a wordpad file and saved it as JS41.LUA (see below the saved code) 2.) i saved it into the microsoft FSX "modules" folder 3.) i reload all buttons. but there is no entry in the list (right site, buttons and switches, control send when button pressed). it would be very helpful if someone could help me. there are also some macro code in the list. do i have this also to save in the JS41.LUA file? thanks for your help. here the saved code: ----- -- 1 Left Battery toggle -- 2 Right Battery toggle -- 3 both batteries on -- 4 both batteries Off -- 5 left avionics toggle -- 6 right avionics toggle -- 7 both avionics on -- 8 both avionics off -- 9 left generator toggle -- 10 right generator toggle -- 11 left gen on -- 12 left gen off -- 13 right gen on -- 14 right gen off -- 15 LEFT Bearing CIRCLE Knob Minus -- 16 LEFT Bearing CIRLCE Knob Plus -- 17 LEFT Bearing DIAMOND Knob Plus -- 18 LEFT Bearing DIAMOND Knob Minus -- 19 CCT Auto Cycle Switch -- 20 Pilot analog ADFVOR 1 Toggle -- 21 Pilot analog ADFVOR 2 Toggle -- 22 Pilot ADF1 -- 23 Pilot VOR1 -- 24 Pilot VOR2 -- 25 Pilot ADF2 -- 26 Left fuel Pump on -- 27 Left fuel Pump off -- 28 right fuel Pump on -- 29 right fuel Pump off -- 30 ground power switch toggle -- 31 warning mute switch toggle -- 32 NAV Lights ON -- 33 NAV Lights OFF -- 34 Console lights ON -- 35 Console lights OFF -- 36 TOCW Testswitch ON -- 37 TOCW Testswitch OFF -- 38 seat belt ON -- 39 seat belt off -- 40 no smoking on -- 41 no smoking off -- 42 toggle flood light -- 43 select engine 1 (LEFT) -- 44 select engine 2 (RIGHT) -- 45 unselect engines -- 46 Feathering and starting selected engine -- 47 toggle gust locks -- 48 toggle prop sync switch -- LEFT Battery switch TOGGLE if ipcPARAM == 1 then LVarSet = "L:LeftBatSwitch" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- RIGHT Battery switch TOGGLE if ipcPARAM == 2 then LVarSet = "L:RightBatSwitch" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- BOTH Battery switch on if ipcPARAM == 3 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightBatSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(250) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBatSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- BOTH Battery switch off if ipcPARAM == 4 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightBatSwitch", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(250) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBatSwitch", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- Left AVIONICS SWITCh TOGGLE if ipcPARAM == 5 then LVarSet = "L:LeftAvionicsMaster" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAvionicsMasterGuard", val) ipc.control(66587, 8026) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- RIGHT AVIONICS SWITCh TOGGLE if ipcPARAM == 6 then LVarSet = "L:RightAvionicsMaster" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar("L:RightAvionicsMasterGuard", val) ipc.control(66587, 8026) ipc.sleep(500) ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- both AVIONICS SWITCh on if ipcPARAM == 7 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightAvionicsMasterGuard", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8026) ipc.sleep(400) ipc.writeLvar("L:RightAvionicsMaster", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8027) ipc.sleep(100) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAvionicsMasterGuard", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8026) ipc.sleep(400) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAvionicsMaster", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- both AVIONICS SWITCh off if ipcPARAM == 8 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightAvionicsMasterGuard", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8026) ipc.sleep(400) ipc.writeLvar("L:RightAvionicsMaster", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8027) ipc.sleep(100) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAvionicsMasterGuard", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8026) ipc.sleep(400) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAvionicsMaster", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- LEFT Generator SWITCH TOGGLE if ipcPARAM == 9 then LVarSet = "L:LeftGenSwitch" val = 1 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 1 then val = 2 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- right Generator SWITCH TOGGLE if ipcPARAM == 10 then LVarSet = "L:RightGenSwitch" val = 1 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 1 then val = 2 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- left Generator SWITCH on if ipcPARAM == 11 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftGenSwitch", 2) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- left Generator SWITCH off if ipcPARAM == 12 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftGenSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- right Generator SWITCH on if ipcPARAM == 13 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightGenSwitch", 2) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- right Generator SWITCH off if ipcPARAM == 14 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightGenSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- LEFT Bearing CIRCLE Knob Minus if ipcPARAM == 15 then i = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftBearingCircleKnob") if i < 3 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingCircleKnob", i+1) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end if i == 3 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingCircleKnob", 3) end end -- LEFT Bearing CIRLCE Knob Plus if ipcPARAM == 16 then i = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftBearingCircleKnob") if i > 0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingCircleKnob", i-1) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end if i == 0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingCircleKnob", 0) end end -- LEFT Bearing DIAMOND Knob Plus if ipcPARAM == 17 then i = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftBearingDiamondKnob") if i < 3 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingDiamondKnob", i+1) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end if i == 3 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingDiamondKnob", 3) end end -- LEFT Bearing DIAMOND Knob Minus if ipcPARAM == 18 then i = ipc.readLvar("L:LeftBearingDiamondKnob") if i > 0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingDiamondKnob", i-1) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end if i == 0 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftBearingDiamondKnob", 0) end end -- CCT Auto Cycle Switch if ipcPARAM == 19 then ipc.writeLvar("L:AutoAnticeCycle", 2) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(200) ipc.writeLvar("L:AutoAnticeCycle", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- Pilot analog ADFVOR 1 Toggle if ipcPARAM == 20 then LVarSet = "L:LeftAdfVorSwitch" val = 1 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 1 then val = 2 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8024) end -- Pilot analog ADFVOR 2 Toggle if ipcPARAM == 21 then LVarSet = "L:LeftVorAdfSwitch" val = 1 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 1 then val = 2 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8024) end -- Pilot ADF1 if ipcPARAM == 22 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAdfVorSwitch", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8024) end -- Pilot VOR1 if ipcPARAM == 23 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftAdfVorSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8024) end -- Pilot ADF2 if ipcPARAM == 24 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftVorAdfSwitch", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8024) end -- Pilot VOR2 if ipcPARAM == 25 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftVorAdfSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8024) end -- Left fuel Pump on if ipcPARAM == 26 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStbyFuelPump", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- Left fuel Pump off if ipcPARAM == 27 then ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStbyFuelPump", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end -- right fuel Pump on if ipcPARAM == 28 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightStbyFuelPump", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- right fuel Pump off if ipcPARAM == 29 then ipc.writeLvar("L:RightStbyFuelPump", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end --Ground power switch toggle if ipcPARAM == 30 then LVarSet = "L:GndPowerSwitch" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8027) end --warning mute switch toggle if ipcPARAM == 31 then LVarSet = "L:CapMuted" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 8031) ipc.sleep(100) ipc.writeLvar("L:CapMuteSwitch", val) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end -- NAV Lights ON if ipcPARAM == 32 then ipc.writeLvar("L:NavLightSwitch", 2) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- NAV Lights OFF if ipcPARAM == 33 then ipc.writeLvar("L:NavLightSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) end -- Console lights ON if ipcPARAM == 34 then ipc.control(66056) ipc.writeLvar("L:InstrConsolesLightSwitch", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:InstrRoofLightSwitch", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:InstrGlareshieldLightSwitch", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end -- Console lights OFF if ipcPARAM == 35 then ipc.control(66057) ipc.writeLvar("L:InstrConsolesLightSwitch", 0) ipc.writeLvar("L:InstrRoofLightSwitch", 0) ipc.writeLvar("L:InstrGlareshieldLightSwitch", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8031) end -- TOCW Testswitch ON if ipcPARAM == 36 then ipc.control(66587, 8021) ipc.writeLvar("L:TocwTestSwitch", 1) end -- TOCW Testswitch OFF if ipcPARAM == 37 then ipc.control(66587, 8021) ipc.writeLvar("L:TocwTestSwitch", 0) end -- Seatbelt on if ipcPARAM == 38 then ipc.writeLvar("L:FastenSeatbeltSigns", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 74) end -- Seatbelt off if ipcPARAM == 39 then ipc.writeLvar("L:FastenSeatbeltSigns", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 74) end -- no smoking on if ipcPARAM == 40 then ipc.writeLvar("L:NoSmokingSigns", 1) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 74) end -- no skmoking off if ipcPARAM == 41 then ipc.writeLvar("L:NoSmokingSigns", 0) ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66587, 74) end -- toggle flood light if ipcPARAM == 42 then ipc.control(66587, 8028) ipc.sleep(10) ipc.control(66376) end -- select engine 1 (LEFT) if ipcPARAM == 43 then ipc.sleep(10) ipc.writeLvar("L:StartMasterKnob", 0) end -- select engine 2 (RIGHT) if ipcPARAM == 44 then ipc.sleep(10) ipc.writeLvar("L:StartMasterKnob", 2) end -- unselect engines if ipcPARAM == 45 then ipc.sleep(10) ipc.writeLvar("L:StartMasterKnob", 1) end -- Feathering and starting selected engine ----------------- if ipcPARAM == 46 then -- Feathering and starting left engine if ipc.readLvar("L:StartMasterKnob") == 0 then ipc.control(66587, 1420) ipc.control(66587, 8029) -- knob sound ipc.display("feathering left engine...") ipc.sleep(8000) -- waiting for feathering ipc.display("feathering left engine...n Starting left engine") ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStart", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:StartOneToggle", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStartCheck", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:LeftStartTimer", 1) end ipc.display("") -- Feathering and starting right engine if ipc.readLvar("L:StartMasterKnob") == 2 then ipc.control(66587, 1421) ipc.control(66587, 8029) -- knob sound ipc.display("feathering right engine...") ipc.sleep(8000) -- waiting for feathering ipc.display("feathering right engine...n Starting right engine") ipc.writeLvar("L:RightStart", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:StartTwoToggle", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:RightStartCheck", 1) ipc.writeLvar("L:RightStartTimer", 1) end ipc.display("") end -------------------------------------------------------------- -- toggle gust locks if ipcPARAM == 47 then LVarSet = "L:GustLocks" val = 0 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, 141) end -- toggle prop sync switch if ipcPARAM == 48 then LVarSet = "L:PropSync" val = 0 sval = 8027 if ipc.readLvar(LVarSet) == 0 then val = 1 sval = 8028 end ipc.writeLvar(LVarSet, val) ipc.control(66587, sval) end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete Dowson Posted December 20, 2010 Report Share Posted December 20, 2010 1.) i copied the code into a wordpad file and saved it as JS41.LUA (see below the saved code) If it a VERY VERY bad idea to use WordPad for any configuration or program files. Use NotePad, not Wordpad! Wordpad assumes you are dealing with documents, not text files. 2.) i saved it into the microsoft FSX "modules" folder3.) i reload all buttons. but there is no entry in the list (right site, buttons and switches, control send when button pressed). If there are ANY files with type 'lua' in the FS Modules folder then FSUIPC lists them in the drop-down lists for Buttons, Keys and Axes. This is completely unrelated to what is actually IN the file. So, one of three things must be true: 1. You didn't actually save it with the name JS41.lua. Possible Wordpad saved it as "JS41.lua.doc" or similar, OR 2. You aren't looking for the correct entry. For JS41.lua the entry will say "Lua js41", OR 3. You are using an old usupported version of FSUIPC which pre-dates Lua support. Regards Pete Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Kremmel Posted December 22, 2010 Author Report Share Posted December 22, 2010 Thanks Mr. Pete, i will try it today night. i think the problem is the point with the wordpad doc file. i am not sure about the code. on the page there are 3 parts of code a.) LUA commands b.) Macro c.) Cold and dark LUA must i copie all 3 code sections in one file or in 3 different files? thanks für great help! Jan If it a VERY VERY bad idea to use WordPad for any configuration or program files. Use NotePad, not Wordpad! Wordpad assumes you are dealing with documents, not text files. If there are ANY files with type 'lua' in the FS Modules folder then FSUIPC lists them in the drop-down lists for Buttons, Keys and Axes. This is completely unrelated to what is actually IN the file. So, one of three things must be true: 1. You didn't actually save it with the name JS41.lua. Possible Wordpad saved it as "JS41.lua.doc" or similar, OR 2. You aren't looking for the correct entry. For JS41.lua the entry will say "Lua js41", OR 3. You are using an old usupported version of FSUIPC which pre-dates Lua support. Regards Pete Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pete Dowson Posted December 22, 2010 Report Share Posted December 22, 2010 i am not sure about the code. on the page there are 3 parts of code a.) LUA commands b.) Macro c.) Cold and dark LUA must i copie all 3 code sections in one file or in 3 different files? Sorry, what 'page' is this? What Lua file? The one you are saving? Surely if you have downloaded it or copied it, as a file for saving, it is a file, a single file. If it was multiple files, it will be multiple files. I don't know because I don't think you are referring to noe of mine? Pete Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Kremmel Posted December 23, 2010 Author Report Share Posted December 23, 2010 now, it works fine. thanks jan Sorry, what 'page' is this? What Lua file? The one you are saving? Surely if you have downloaded it or copied it, as a file for saving, it is a file, a single file. If it was multiple files, it will be multiple files. I don't know because I don't think you are referring to noe of mine? Pete Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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