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FSX will not load fsuipc 4.60

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Pete, everytime I try to load fsx as of this morning I get this message:

Have you just installed it? If not, before this morning did it load without any prompting asking if you wanted to trust it? And what have you changed since it last loaded okay, if it did? Have you installed something else?

Can you please help me? If I click no then FSX loads, but if I click yes fsx will not load.

Without seeing the Install log I don't have enough information to be sure, but are you running an old version of FSX? If it is not fully updated (SP1 and SP2 or Acceleration) then please get it so.

The problem is almost always due to a known SimConnect bug which causes some sort of clash when it is involved which checking module credentials. It was really bad in the original release of FSX, and never actually properly fixed but the updates did make it occur less often.

Once FSX has the module listed as "trusted" it is never again a problem. The trouble you are having is a crash just when it is trying to ask you if you trust it or not.

The crash is much more likely when SimConnect has several things to load, so one way around it which nearly always works is to temporarily rename your DLL.XML and, if it exists, your EXE.XML files, THEN re-run the FSUIPC installer, then run FSX to get FSUIPC trusted. After that you can close FSX, delete the new DLL.XML file the FSUIPC installer would have made, and rename the original and EXE.XML files back.

Those files are found in the same folder as your FSX.CFG file. I could tell you exactly where if I had sight of the Install log -- but take a look yourself.

Also, please do check whether FSUIPC is creating a run-time log (FSUIPC4.LOG) in the FSX Modules folder. If it is it may be an entirely different matter -- I'd need to see that log.

Finally, you could try replacing the DLL in the FSX Modules folder with the latest one from the Download Links subforum. We are up to version 4.645 now. There's just a small chance that the difference in size will change the timing in SimConnect sufficiently to avoid the clash.



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