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Network issues - Win7 and XP ((FSUIPC - WideClient)


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Hi, hope someone can help. Running FSX SP2 , Win7 fully patched, XP fully patched.

Win7 is the server with FS. XP is the client. Both Server and client can be pinged successfully. Added Server name to client ini, and log shows ip did get resolved. Log fragment: 719... Okay, IP Address = 192.168...... | 21875 Error on Client pre-Connection Select() [Error 10060] Connection timed out.

Server log shows the section [Client Names] as "FSClient" which is the name of the client xp computer.

I have done nothing but add in the server name on the wideclient ini. I tried sharing folders etc but to no avail so not sure where to go from here. Both computers can be seen but not heard. I am running on a wireless network which I thought might be an issue but I just dont have the knowledge to know or what to try next.

Any help would be very much appreciated. I am a registered user of both FSUIPC and WideFS under "Robert Ginn"



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I have done nothing but add in the server name on the WideClient ini.

If you add that you must also add the Protocol parameter.

You need add nothing at all if the two PCs are in the same workgroup. That's much easier usually than messing about with names or IP addresses.

I tried sharing folders etc but to no avail so not sure where to go from here.

WideFS doesn't need any folder sharing, it doesn't read or write files except the Logs and INI files in its own folder.

However, you either have to disable the default firewall on both or allow WideClient and FS access on both. It uses ports 8002 and 9002 by default.



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Hey Pete,

Forgot to mention the protocol as I did insert also. I rebooted both machines and am now connected. Just like magic!!!

Win7 and it's sharing is a little misleading as they state you can only homegroup with other win7 machines but you can certainly map a drive/folder with no issues. Networking has always been taboo for me but sometimes I get lucky LOL. Thanks Pete for the reply. Have a nice New Year.



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FSUIPC4 Will not give me my 12 no code with the down load

You have a Network Issue? See above replies please.

If you have a different question, please post in new thread with an appropriate title, and also please tell me what you are talking about. What you've said so far makes no sense.


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