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Fsuipc 3.98 ignores fsuipc.ini

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After many months of perfect working, last night my Saitek yoke and throttle suddenly stopped functioning without any apparent reason.

It simply did not execute any command which I programmed from user interface, by editing the fsuipc.ini and recording mouse macros.

After excluding any hardware or USB driver problem (it still works under FSX which I don't use normally), I noticed that Fsuipc seems unable to access to fsuipc.ini, or at least it behaves just as it does not exist.

I was able to restore most commands through the user interface, but if I restart Fs9 the issue is back again.

Of course, fsuipc.ini is still in same place and I did not make any change to my system before the problem came out.

My SO is Win 7 64, and I've always run Fs9 as administrator.

I would be very grateful for any cue or suggestion.

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After many months of perfect working, last night my Saitek yoke and throttle suddenly stopped functioning without any apparent reason.

It simply did not execute any command which I programmed from user interface, by editing the fsuipc.ini and recording mouse macros.

After excluding any hardware or USB driver problem (it still works under FSX which I don't use normally), I noticed that Fsuipc seems unable to access to fsuipc.ini, or at least it behaves just as it does not exist.

I was able to restore most commands through the user interface, but if I restart Fs9 the issue is back again.

If it didn't recognise it existing it would create a new default one. Is that what you are seeing, a new default FSUIPC INI file?

If you mean it cannot write to it then something has changed permissions on either the file or the Modules folder. Is a fresh Log being produced each time you run FS? If not, maybe the folder is not writeable. If it is maybe it is only the file. Check its properties.

The Modules folder is made fully read/writeable by FSUIPC's Installer, so you could try rerunning that to see if it helps.

My SO is Win 7 64, and I've always run Fs9 as administrator.

Why? That's really not needed as far as FSUIPC is concerned, and may mean you have to also run everything else "as administrator" so they can talk to each other. Try not doing it.



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If it didn't recognise it existing it would create a new default one. Is that what you are seeing, a new default FSUIPC INI file?

If you mean it cannot write to it then something has changed permissions on either the file or the Modules folder. Is a fresh Log being produced each time you run FS? If not, maybe the folder is not writeable. If it is maybe it is only the file. Check its properties.

The Modules folder is made fully read/writeable by FSUIPC's Installer, so you could try rerunning that to see if it helps.

Why? That's really not needed as far as FSUIPC is concerned, and may mean you have to also run everything else "as administrator" so they can talk to each other. Try not doing it.



Thanks for quick answer.

No, the fsuipc.ini is always the same and no new one is created. Also, a new fsuipc.log is written every time I restart.

As soon as possible I will post a copy of both.

Best regards

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No, the fsuipc.ini is always the same and no new one is created. Also, a new fsuipc.log is written every time I restart.

In that case it is somehow protected. didn't you check? FSUIPC always re-writes the INI file even if you make no changes, so the timestamp on it at least would change.

As soon as possible I will post a copy of both.

Why? I don't really need those. Please re-run the Installer, then install 3.989u (from the Download Links subforum), so we are on the same page, and then if it is still a problem show me the Install log. That should be a little more relevant.


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Hi Pete, I reinstalled Fsuipc and 3989u update but nothing changed.

However I was able to isolate the problem.

When I programmed my Saitek hardware, the joystick assignement in [Joynames] section was like:


0=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke

2=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals

But now everytime I start Fs9, even after editing it as above, my fsuipc.ini changes back to:


0=Saitek Pro Flight Rudder Pedals

1=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke

messing up all my setup, as expected.

I recently changed motherboard and since then I have to disconnect my USB hub before powering up (I think because I still haven't updated all drivers for new hardware) and reconnect it after the boot is complete. Sometime I could also have swapped the yoke and rudder USB plug.

Has it have anything to do with my issue?

Note that after changing motherboard I have used Fs9 and Saitek hardware without any problem until two days ago and the malfunction showed up during a Fs9 session, not after a new boot and not after a new Fs9 start either.

Also, I tried disconnecting rudder and starting Fs9 with only yoke connected, but it is still recognised as #1.

Now, should I correct all my fsuipc.ini settings according to this new assignement or could it be possible to force the previous joystick assignement?

Best regards


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However I was able to isolate the problem.

...But now everytime I start Fs9, even after editing it as above, my fsuipc.ini changes back ...

Er, so it isn't as discussed earlier, it IS writing the INI and it IS reading it back. We were going a bit down the wrong path, weren't we? You said this:

I noticed that Fsuipc seems unable to access to fsuipc.ini, or at least it behaves just as it does not exist.

I was able to restore most commands through the user interface, but if I restart Fs9 the issue is back again

but neither of those things could have been anywhere near correct, could they? And you never mentioned anything about devices, only effectively all your settings -- i.e .the whole INI -- that includes all the many options in FSUIPC too!

I recently changed motherboard and since then I have to disconnect my USB hub before powering up (I think because I still haven't updated all drivers for new hardware) and reconnect it after the boot is complete. Sometime I could also have swapped the yoke and rudder USB plug.

Windows has a nasty habit of re-numbering USB devices whenever you reconnect them even slightly differently, or even if you reconnect them AFTER it has booted (because by then it has done some assignments). This is why I went to all the trouble of adding the "joyLetter" facilities to FSUIPC, so you can make FSUIPC automatically deal with such changes. You should investigate those facilities and maybe implement them.

Has it have anything to do with my issue?

Nothing to do with anything you've described before, where FSUIPC was supposedly completely ignoring your INI file and not updating it even.

Note that after changing motherboard I have used Fs9 and Saitek hardware without any problem until two days ago and the malfunction showed up during a Fs9 session, not after a new boot and not after a new Fs9 start either.

There is absolutely no way any FSUIPC INI thing will change stuff DURING a flight, unless you go into FSUIPC options and tell it to reload stuff. FSUIPC is not constantly reading the INI file (in fact you said it never read it -- that's how this thread started and is entitled). If you unplugged devices and plugged them in again, it is quite unpredictable what might happen to them in that session.

Now, should I correct all my fsuipc.ini settings according to this new assignement or could it be possible to force the previous joystick assignement?

No idea, sorry. You could keep experimenting by plugging the devices in different ports. But one thing is for sure, please look up and use the Joy Letters facilities when you have it sorted.



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Sorry for misleading description of the problem, but at first it was very difficult to me to focus it. :huh:

By the way, now I changed all fsuipc.ini commands referred to device #0 -> #1 and #2 -> #0 and everything was OK again.

I need for sure take a deeper glance to joy letters facilities which I missed to do so far, as I'm planning to add a second throttle quadrant.

Thanks for patience and kind regards


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By the way, now I changed all fsuipc.ini commands referred to device #0 -> #1 and #2 -> #0 and everything was OK again.

I need for sure take a deeper glance to joy letters facilities which I missed to do so far, as I'm planning to add a second throttle quadrant.

You just need to enable the facility in "auto" mode (a simple INI file edit), if you don't mind your devices being called A, B, C ... If you want recognisable letters, like T for Throttle Quadrant, Y for yoke, R for Rudder or P for Pedals, etc, you'd need to edit a couple more lines or so. It isn't hard either way. The chapter about all this actually precedes those about assignments deliberately to encourage folks to read it first! ;-)



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