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This is really doing my head in at the moment. I'm hating, HATING programs that steal focus.

I'm running Windows 7 Home Edition with FSUIPC4 and FSX Acceleration Pack. I want to start programs like a FSUIPC monitor (ie monitors data coming from FSUIPC) and FsXPand 5.8 which is the server that allows me to run custom gauges on networked PCs. Sounds simple doesn't it? :huh:

The problem is that when I start FsXPand using the "Run1=C:\Program Files (x86)\FsXPand 5.8\FsXPand 5.8.exe" and FSX starts up, FsXPand throws up an error saying "FSUIPC Connection failed: IPC request contains bad data". Thing is, I close the dialog and then if I click the icon for FsXPand now it runs just fine. It just starts too quick for FSX using the Run1= I guess.

So I hear you say "Use the 'READY' option so it starts up when the main part of FSX runs." - Good idea there...

So I add the READY option... Start up FSX and the menu appears... No error... great... I then click "Fly Now!"... FSX starts up fine... I am on the runway ready to take off when "FLASH FLASH... DESKTOP... Oh look, it's the FsXPAND screen and it's running fine!".

So what's the problem?

Yup, FsXPand ran fine... but it's stolen the focus and now I can't get back to FSX because of some weird glitch that shows me a black box when I try to task switch back.

*Bangs head on desk*

I think it's because I have got myself a better computer... it just starts up the programs too fast now if I try to add it into the autorun list.... What FSUIPC needs is either a flag that says "RunIfFSUIPCREADY" or a delay option of some kind. Another way would be to link to a shortcut which has the option to run the programs in minimized mode (HIDE just doesn't work right it seems). I have no idea what to do about the black screens when another program steals the focus though and I have no idea who to ask.

Sorry if I'm sounding a bit miffed but I just tried to link to a shortcut when FSX starts flying and it went and got into a wierd loop which was so bad I had to hold the power button down to force the thing to shut off because the mouse wouldn't let me click on anything. I just HATE programs that argue about focus stealing...

So, is there a way around this at all... I going bald with this thing ruining my flying time.

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Yup, FsXPand ran fine... but it's stolen the focus and now I can't get back to FSX because of some weird glitch that shows me a black box when I try to task switch back.

Sorry, I didn't write FsXpand, and I cannot therefore re-program it to stop it stealing the focus. I suggest you write to the author.

I think it's because I have got myself a better computer... it just starts up the programs too fast now if I try to add it into the autorun list.... What FSUIPC needs is either a flag that says "RunIfFSUIPCREADY"

That's what the READY option does, as you've seen.

or a delay option of some kind.

What good would that do is FSXpand still steals the Focus?

Another way would be to link to a shortcut which has the option to run the programs in minimized mode (HIDE just doesn't work right it seems).

Hide works fine, but only if the first top window produced by the program is the one which is going to be used, because all it can do is send a Windows message to tell it to minimise as soon as it detects it's top-level Window. Programs which have a splash screen or intro screen which then disappears in favour of the main screen are just not amenable.

I have no idea what to do about the black screens when another program steals the focus though and I have no idea who to ask.

Black screens when changing FSX screen modes are quite a common problem which are only usually resolved with video driver changes or settings. Try the FSX Forum here on in AVSIM.

Sorry if I'm sounding a bit miffed but I just tried to link to a shortcut when FSX starts flying and it went and got into a wierd loop which was so bad I had to hold the power button down to force the thing to shut off because the mouse wouldn't let me click on anything. I just HATE programs that argue about focus stealing...

Have you asked the FsXpand folks? It shouldn't be hard for them to provide a non-intrusive or even auto-minimising mode? It surely cannot be an uncommon need?

So, is there a way around this at all... I going bald with this thing ruining my flying time.

I went bald long ago. :-(

There is an unpublished DELAY facility in the [Programs] options. I implemented it thinking it might solve something like your Focus problems, but it didn't, so I was going to remove it -- but didn't. It operates like this:

Add a parameter "Delay=n" to the [Programs] section, where n is the number of seconds.

Then for any Run or RunIf parameter with a READY setting which you want delyed n secs after "ready" add the extra keyword "DELAY" (with a comma seaprator as usual.

I can't promise it still works, but let me know if it helps. As I said, I can't really see how it can. You might want to make sure you are using the latest version (4.651 from the Download Links subforum) as I'm not sure when it wnt in.



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The delay thing doesn't seem to work anymore. :( if it would delay FsXPand starting just 1 second it wouldn't matter if it stole focus because it would only be the select flight screen of FSX that would be up. I tried it with several programs and all start up at the same time as FSX. Does the Delay factor only work with READY?

BTW, If I use the shortcut for FsXPand (which tells it to start minimised) it starts up minimised fine (which is what I am resigned to do I think).

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The delay thing doesn't seem to work anymore. :( if it would delay FsXPand starting just 1 second it wouldn't matter if it stole focus because it would only be the select flight screen of FSX that would be up. I tried it with several programs and all start up at the same time as FSX. Does the Delay factor only work with READY?

Yes, as I said, didn't I? Both READY and DELAY.

Looking at the code it should work still. What FSUIPC4 version are you using (the number?). Show me the [Programs] section from your INI file please.


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