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WideFS works for FSX but not FS9

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Good day, sir.

I have a freshly installed Win7Pro64 system with both FSX and FS9 installed, patched and functioning. FSUIPC and WideFS are installed per instructions, however, WideFS will connect with FSX but not with FS9. Both versions of FSUIPC are registered, as well as the WideFS. Perhaps I'm being confused by the one working whilst the other does not, however, I believe the network layer is fine. WideServer.ini is identical for both installations and FSUIPC does show up under Add-ons for both, too. The only discrepency that I can see is that FS9 does not show the message "Waiting for clients..." after startup.

Thank you for an excellent program and your able assistance.



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I have a freshly installed Win7Pro64 system with both FSX and FS9 installed, patched and functioning. FSUIPC and WideFS are installed per instructions, however, WideFS will connect with FSX but not with FS9. Both versions of FSUIPC are registered, as well as the WideFS. Perhaps I'm being confused by the one working whilst the other does not, however, I believe the network layer is fine.

Is the firewall shut down, or else are both FS9.EXE and FSX.EXE allowed through?

WideServer.ini is identical for both installations

There is no wideServer.INI nor WideServer.DLL for FSX. It is included in the FSUIPC4 code and INI.

and FSUIPC does show up under Add-ons for both, too. The only discrepency that I can see is that FS9 does not show the message "Waiting for clients..." after startup.

In that case WideServer is not running on the FS9 installation. Did you install the DLL?

Please check whether there is a WideServer.LOG file. If not then WideServer is not running. If there is please show it to me.

Please also ALWAYS state FSUIPC and WideFS version numbers.



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