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Lua script for brakes

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Hi Pete,

I have a problem with my sim aircraft where the toe brakes or parking brake do not hold the aircraft, sometimes even at idle with a strong wind. I would like to implement a Lua script which does the following,

If the parking brake is on

save the current brake parameters to a variable

Change the brake parameters to the maximum possible braking

If the parking brake is off

Restore the brake parameters from the stored variable

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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If the parking brake is on

save the current brake parameters to a variable

Change the brake parameters to the maximum possible braking

The only "parameters" are those ranging from 0 to 16384 from min to max braking (0 to 100%), or the equivalents in floating point values. When the parking brake is set, both left and right brakes are automatically at their maximum, 16384. There's no more maximum maximum to set!

If your aircraft is that light then it should not really be flown in a strong wind -- folks with light aircraft have to tie them down with guy ropes!



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Thanks for the information. The aircraft is a King Air 300.

Something wrong with the model then if that gets blown around with parking brakes on by anything much less than hurricane force!

I'm afraid there's no extra braking you can apply by controls, but you could try looking through the Aircraft.CFG file to see if there's anything you can do there. I'm afraid I'm no help with that -- you'd need to go to one of the aircraft modeller's forums for advice.



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