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Speed wheels in FSX

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Hi everybody and thanks for your topic's.

First of all, I have the FSUIPC4 for FSX and WideFS6 registered. All this work whith FSX SP2 and WIN7 64.

Actually I read the offset of RPM to simulate the vibration of engine aircraft and it working OK in my Opencockpit card.

But now I need to simulate the cockpit vibration when the aircraft are taxiing or take-on landing. For this, I think that if I can read the offset of wheels speed, can be simulate it and readed from my analog Opencockpit card and simulate the vibration in my cockpit.

It is possible? What offset I need to read?

If not, how simulate it?

Many thanks, sorry for my English.

Kind regards.

Antonio Lorente



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But now I need to simulate the cockpit vibration when the aircraft are taxiing or take-on landing. For this, I think that if I can read the offset of wheels speed, can be simulate it and readed from my analog Opencockpit card and simulate the vibration in my cockpit.

It is possible? What offset I need to read?

FSUIPC doesn't current offer anything for wheel rotation, but I notice that SimConnect does. It offers these values:

 [b]WHEEL RPM:[i]index[/i][/b] Wheel rpm. Index is
0 = center
1 = left
2 = right
3 = aux Rpm 

  [b]CENTER WHEEL RPM[/b] Center landing gear rpm Rpm 

  [b]LEFT WHEEL RPM[/b] Left landing gear rpm Rpm 

  [b]RIGHT WHEEL RPM[/b] Right landing gear rpm Rpm 

  [b]AUX WHEEL RPM[/b] Rpm of fourth set of gear wheels. Rpm 

  [b]WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE:[i]index[/i][/b] Wheel rotation angle. Index is
0 = center
1 = left
2 = right
3 =  aux Radians 

  [b]CENTER WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE[/b] Center wheel rotation angle Radians 

  [b]LEFT WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE[/b] Left wheel rotation angle Radians 

  [b]RIGHT WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE[/b] Right wheel rotation angle Radians N -  [b]AUX WHEEL ROTATION ANGLE[/b]Aux wheel rotation angle Radians 

I could add offsets for these, but at present I've no idea if they work or whether they'll tell you what you need to know. What do you think?

Unfortunately, I am going away from a short holiday tomorrow, not back till the 14th, so I wouldn't be able to provide anything for nearly two weeks.

If not, how simulate it?

Wouldn't the ground speed and the "on ground" flag be sufficient? Don't forget that the wheels can still be rotating off the ground, until the pilot taps the brakes before raising the gear.



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Dear Pete:

I keep thinking about this issue.

In the heavy aircraft, there is a sensor called Air / Ground that switches the action of hydraulic control systems.

In the end it is a sensor that tells when the plane is on the ground.

Are there any similar offset to perform this function?

Perhaps the Ground Speed and this offset may be working until we find the ultimate solution.

As always, I look forward to his wise counsel.

Kind regards.:grin:

Antonio Lorente



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Many, many thanks, Pete.

I will to try this.

The idea is check if the flag 0366 send 1, and if is OK I will apply the values of ground speed.

A last question:

Can be possible apply in the future a flag u offset to speed wheels?

Kind regards and enjoy your holidays.

Antonio Lorente



Yes, of course, it is the "aircraft on ground" flag at 0366.[/size][/font]



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Can not find the offset for the Ground Speed and the working range of this (Values for variable)

Oh dear. :-(

When you load the offsets list for viewing, aren't you using a program which provides a search facility?

I don't remember all of the offsets. There are many hundreds. Any time someone asks me such a question i have to load up the document and search for the answer. Why can't you do this? Search on the word "Ground". You'll find Ground Altitude, Ground Speed and "aircraft on ground" all in the first three or four attempts! It really isn't hard, and it's a darn sight faster than asking me each time.



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Excuse me, Pete

Maybe I wrote faster than I thought.

The truth, Went looking for speed and there are so many times I went, sure it jumped me.

But in the end I found it and gave me no time to write my apologies.

Thank you very much.


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