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Wind changing conflict cause by 2 program

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Hi Pete,

I was making a weather program from fs2004 recently. While I was trying to change the Wind Speed in FS by using NWI, I found it totally doesn't work.

Later I found that it was because the Multiplayer-Client is changing the Wind Speed all the time by using offset 2DE8!!!!!!

If I changed the wind speed via offset 2DE8 too, that seems working for a few second. But causes a HUGE wind change when that Client trying to set the Wind speed in its value.( Result in Stall/ Overspeed).

So I want to know if there's a setting or method that I can change so that FSUIPC will ignore the value being set in offset 2DE8.


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Later I found that it was because the Multiplayer-Client is changing the Wind Speed all the time by using offset 2DE8!!!!!!

Which multplayer client? Are you flying on-line with VATSIM or IVAO or similar?

If I changed the wind speed via offset 2DE8 too, that seems working for a few second. But causes a HUGE wind change when that Client trying to set the Wind speed in its value.( Result in Stall/ Overspeed).

Why are you using two programs simultaneously controlling weather in any case? Why not tell the on-line system you are managing your own weather?

So I want to know if there's a setting or method that I can change so that FSUIPC will ignore the value being set in offset 2DE8.

No, not at present. It doesn't seem a very cooperative thing to do.

Could you perhaps explain more about why you are getting into this conflict situation?

If this client is running via WideFS on a networked PC, you could use the WideClient "Deny" facility to prevent that offset being written to from that PC.



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Sorry it seems a bit confusing.

It is actually a Virtual Flight Evaluation system, using FSUIPC as an interface to set the wind speed spontaneously, however, the wind speed offered by that system is always different that on VATSIM. That's y I want to change the wind speed setting..

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It is actually a Virtual Flight Evaluation system, using FSUIPC as an interface to set the wind speed spontaneously

Why would a "Virtual Flight Evaluation system" want to do such a thing? sorry, I still don't understand, especially when you say:

however, the wind speed offered by that system is always different that on VATSIM.

Surely you should just let your VATSIM interface set the weather for you?



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