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Hello Pete

I run FSUIPC4 for two years but...bug and bug and...bug !

For each loading of FSX it is necessary to reinstall again all the programming and somtime, FSUIPC4. From one sequence to another, it ceases functioning and it is impossible to obtain the least profile whereas the file config seems normal.

Which can be the source of the problem? Simconnect? And the bug… FSUIPC4 can function without bug during several sequences of flight, then to cease answering after a pause… A up date would regulate is random the problem…Please help !!! I like it but...

Second question… Is it normal that it is impossible to obtain an adjustment in the zone “reverse” of Proflight Yoke of Saitek?

Thank's for your help

Best regards

Philco :blink:


I run FSUIPC4 for two years but...bug and bug and...bug !

Really? That's odd. there are thousands of users without any. Sounds like ou are confused about what you are doing or what is happening? And if it's been happening for two years, why so long to report any of tihs?

For each loading of FSX it is necessary to reinstall again all the programming and somtime, FSUIPC4.

It is NEVER necessary to "reinstall" FSUIPC4, because the only part which IS the FSUIPC4 program is the DLL module itself, which doesn't change (except between versions). Replacing something with an exact same something accomplishes nothing. If the DLL itself became corrupt (because of disk errors or some malware trampling on programs), it wouldn't run at all as its signature check would fail.

From one sequence to another, it ceases functioning and it is impossible to obtain the least profile whereas the file config seems normal.

Sorry, but it does really sound as if you've made a mess of configuring it, and are getting profile settings loaded which you yourself have set and since forgotten. If you don't know what you've done wrong I suggest you simply delete the INI file and start again. Everything is in that file. There's nothing mysterious or hidden going on. You can see it all for yourself.

Which can be the source of the problem? Simconnect? And the bug… FSUIPC4 can function without bug during several sequences of flight, then to cease answering after a pause…

"The bug"? Which one of the many you seem to be accusing it of?

Without any information -- such as Version number of FSUIPC4, version of FSX, and most importantly log files showing the problem, there is no way I can possibly help. If FSUIPC ceases to operate the things you expect it to do it may well be a SimConnect stalling problem. But the log would show. The information is there. Why not look?

If you are not using at least version 4.70, then please don't come back until you've updated. There are also later versions here in the Download Links subforum. After installing 4.70, try that.

Second question… Is it normal that it is impossible to obtain an adjustment in the zone “reverse” of Proflight Yoke of Saitek?

I've no idea what you mean here -- there's no reverse zone on that quadrant, only a button. But in any case I cannot (will not) support Saitek devices. Try their support. They use FSUIPC without permission or payment.




Sorry, Pete, I do not pass my life on FSX…

If your sofwere, is brilliant, it remains of a rare complexity for non data processing specialists… and french-speaking…

As for the user guide which accompanies it… No comment…

I will try to clear up me all and are quiet, I will not disturb you more.

So long Pete


If your sofwere, is brilliant, it remains of a rare complexity for non data processing specialists… and french-speaking…

You could, of course, have read the documents before spending any money, and so saved yourself all the trouble you seem to think you've met.

Or you could possibly look at one of the several French translations, which I am told are quite good. for instance, this one for version 4.60, recently contributed:

FSUIPC 4.60 documentation in French FSUIPC460Francais

--- Translation kindly donated by Mr. Philippe Hantzberg, 19th March 2011



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