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WideFS client and server don't see eachother

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I'm a registrered user of FSUPC and Wide FS, using it on FSX, Windows 7.... servercomputer is laptop, client desktop. I've installed FSCommander there. FSCommander succeeded in updating airportdsata fron servercomputer.... I put Wideclient.exe en cgf in the FSCommander map and added in cfg file a RUN1 to start FScommander. No problems with that. But when i first start FSX and then Wideclient they don't see eachother... In FSX I enabled Widefs...

Hope you have some suggestions... network is wireless...

Kind regards,


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I'm a registrered user of FSUPC and Wide FS, using it on FSX, Windows 7.... servercomputer is laptop, client desktop. I've installed FSCommander there. FSCommander succeeded in updating airportdsata fron servercomputer.... I put Wideclient.exe en cgf in the FSCommander map and added in cfg file a RUN1 to start FScommander. No problems with that. But when i first start FSX and then Wideclient they don't see eachother..

you don't provide enough information. Are the computers in the same Workgroup? If not then broadcasting won't work, so, how have you configured WideFS?

Please do first refer to the WideFS user guide, in particular the early part of the section on configuring your network.

network is wireless..

Most folks who've tried wireless give up and use wires in the end. It isn't really suited to such real-time applications unless it works really really well.


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you don't provide enough information. Are the computers in the same Workgroup? If not then broadcasting won't work, so, how have you configured WideFS?

The computers are in the same workgroup... if I'm on the first computer, in the group I see the other and on the second I see in the same workgroup the first...

I have added in cfg file the ServerName (computer name of the server) and Protocol=TCP

I tried a cable direct from server to client, but windows doesn't let me make a network or point to point through the cable, everything goes wireless :-(

This is the start of cfgfile:





















Please do first refer to the WideFS user guide, in particular the early part of the section on configuring your network.

Most folks who've tried wireless give up and use wires in the end. It isn't really suited to such real-time applications unless it works really really well.


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you don't provide enough information. Are the computers in the same Workgroup? If not then broadcasting won't work, so, how have you configured WideFS?

Please do first refer to the WideFS user guide, in particular the early part of the section on configuring your network.

Most folks who've tried wireless give up and use wires in the end. It isn't really suited to such real-time applications unless it works really really well.


I'm geting this line in the log:

LUA: "C:\fsc\Initial.LUA": not found (C:\fsc is the map wideclient is started)

kind regards,


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The computers are in the same workgroup... if I'm on the first computer, in the group I see the other and on the second I see in the same workgroup the first...

I have added in cfg file the ServerName (computer name of the server) and Protocol=TCP

If they are in the same workgroup, and both are running windows versions at least not before XP SP1, then you shouldn't need to add those parameters as the broadcast message from the server will tell the client where it is.

There are log files produced by both Server and Client. Please check those. Show me them if you don't understand them.

I tried a cable direct from server to client, but windows doesn't let me make a network or point to point through the cable, everything goes wireless :-(

If it's a normal Cat5 Ethernet cable, it won't work. You'd need a crossover cable, for linking two PCs instead of PCs to a switch or router. And of course the IP addresses of the wired connection won't be the same as the wireless one -- you'd select the IP address in Wideclient.INI instead of the Server name, which would be ambiguous.

I'm geting this line in the log:

LUA: "C:\fsc\Initial.LUA": not found (C:\fsc is the map wideclient is started)

That simply means there's no Initial.Lua file. Did you want some Lua plug-in loaded initially? If not, ignore the message.

More important in the log is to see what link errors or reports there might be, not fuss over Lua plug-ins you may noyt even want.



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Here's the log:

********* WideClient Log [version 6.86] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 02/07/11, Time 15:14:42.704: Client name is PC_VAN_HERMAN

359 LUA: "C:\fsc\Initial.LUA": not found

422 Attempting to connect now

1266 Server = HERMAN-LAPTOP

1281 Trying TCP/IP host "HERMAN-LAPTOP" port 8002 ...

1281 ... Okay, IP Address =

7547 ****** End of session performance summary ******

7547 Total time connected = 0 seconds

7547 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

7547 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

7547 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

7547 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

I hace a crossed cable, maybe try it...

kind regards,


If they are in the same workgroup, and both are running windows versions at least not before XP SP1, then you shouldn't need to add those parameters as the broadcast message from the server will tell the client where it is.

There are log files produced by both Server and Client. Please check those. Show me them if you don't understand them.

If it's a normal Cat5 Ethernet cable, it won't work. You'd need a crossover cable, for linking two PCs instead of PCs to a switch or router. And of course the IP addresses of the wired connection won't be the same as the wireless one -- you'd select the IP address in Wideclient.INI instead of the Server name, which would be ambiguous.

That simply means there's no Initial.Lua file. Did you want some Lua plug-in loaded initially? If not, ignore the message.

More important in the log is to see what link errors or reports there might be, not fuss over Lua plug-ins you may noyt even want.



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Here's the log:

That's only the Client log. What about the Server? All connections have two ends. Information about what both are seeing is needed.

422 Attempting to connect now

1266 Server = HERMAN-LAPTOP

1281 Trying TCP/IP host "HERMAN-LAPTOP" port 8002 ...

1281 ... Okay, IP Address =

So, at least Windows on the client knows the Server -- i assume that is the correct IP Address?

7547 ****** End of session performance summary ******

7547 Total time connected = 0 seconds

7547 Reception maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

7547 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec

7547 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

Er, 7 seconds isn't long enough for the initial exchanges to occur. Why terminating it so abruptly?


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That's only the Client log. What about the Server? All connections have two ends. Information about what both are seeing is needed.

So, at least Windows on the client knows the Server -- i assume that is the correct IP Address?

Er, 7 seconds isn't long enough for the initial exchanges to occur. Why terminating it so abruptly?


Dear Pete,

I'm happy to say everything is solved. Via wireless it gives problems, because on servercomp you have to put a IP address (192-168-1-93 for me) and then internet won't work, so that's no option.. widefs is doing well then....

I took the crosscable, configured the IP op the LAN on server to and the LAN of the client to 192.1.92 and now WideFS is via crosscable very happy, internet is wireless very happy and me too :-)

kind regards and thanks for your quick reactions....


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