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Local variables to switch or rotating switch (FS9)

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I'm looking for solution to fly deck I am building with friends. I need more separate altimeters, but I'm beginer inprograming and I'm learning to create gauges using XML code for FS2004. There is no possibility to make 3 separate altimeters and solution for me is using one hidden gauge and 3 other connected to working one using local variables.

My question is: is there any possiblity to map this event (increase and decrease specific local variable) to key using FSUIPC 3 ? If yes, how?

PS: I know, that better way is in programing via C, but this is too complicated for beginer like me and I don't have time to learn it like will neded for programing software for this use (we are building it for school and we have 2 months for do this - that's very short time :( ).

Thank you for any advise and help.


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You posted this support query into the "User Contributions" subforum, where it is lucky i noticed it. I've moved it to the Support forum for you.

My question is: is there any possiblity to map this event (increase and decrease specific local variable) to key using FSUIPC 3 ? If yes, how?

Local variables, or L:Vars, can be written to using Macros, which can in turn be assigned to keys or buttons in the normal assignments dialogues.

Please refer to the Advanced User's guide. You'll find the topic listed in the contents, under "Macro controls".


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You posted this support query into the "User Contributions" subforum, where it is lucky i noticed it. I've moved it to the Support forum for you.

I'm a little confused by many toppics and subforums atc. from at the begining, sorry :-)

Local variables, or L:Vars, can be written to using Macros, which can in turn be assigned to keys or buttons in the normal assignments dialogues.

Please refer to the Advanced User's guide. You'll find the topic listed in the contents, under "Macro controls".


Thanks a lot! That's what I need to know :-)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have one more question.

I'm still looking for informations from Panels SDK and FSUIPC SDK, but I still can't find, how I can write local variable to use macros in XML gauge. In Panels SDK is described for C programers (for .GAU gauges). But I realy don't know, how to use it for my XML gauges :(

Can someone help me? If I have in gauge XML file written < value >(L:variable, enum).... and my aim is to use FSUIPC to change the "variable" by pushing joystick button (one for increasing by predefined amount, second for decreasing by predefined amount). Some short example will be excelent.

Thank you


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Can someone help me? If I have in gauge XML file written < value >(L:variable, enum).... and my aim is to use FSUIPC to change the "variable" by pushing joystick button (one for increasing by predefined amount, second for decreasing by predefined amount). Some short example will be excelent.

Have you checked the section in the FSUIPC Advanced User's guide entitled "Gauge local variable access (L:vars), by macro!? It is listed in the contents. What don't you understand about it?

I think you'll also find lots of examples of it being applied in the User Contributions subforum.


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Have you checked the section in the FSUIPC Advanced User's guide entitled "Gauge local variable access (L:vars), by macro!? It is listed in the contents. What don't you understand about it?

I think you'll also find lots of examples of it being applied in the User Contributions subforum.


You're right, it was my fault - I had older pdf file where this chapter wasn't. Now it seems to be understandable.

Thank you

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