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I've heard a lot people saying that fs puic is a must when it comes to fsx but I'd like to know what exactly does it do...I'm using rex 2.0 and when ever the wind changes direction it causes the plane to overspeed or going from left to right... Will fspuic help me that issue

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I've heard a lot people saying that fs puic is a must when it comes to fsx but I'd like to know what exactly does it do...I'm using rex 2.0 and when ever the wind changes direction it causes the plane to overspeed or going from left to right... Will fspuic help me that issue

It might do, but not completely. The problem or 180 wind shifts is due to a bug in FSX which was actually also in FS9. But in FS9 I managed to hook into the code a lot lower down and control the wind shifts very effectively. In FSX I have tried to do the same with the wind smoothing and it works most of the time but the occasional silly wind shift can get through.

Mostly these appear to be due to interpolation errors in areas of the world where there are a higher number of nearby weather stations and one or more of those has supplied either bad data or no data at all. Programs like ASE try to check for this and fix it before supplying the weather to fSX, but even that isn't 100% successful. The only sure way is to use global weather -- i.e. weather that's the same all over the world (so there's no interpolation), with the weather program changing it as you fly. That's what ASE's "DWC" (Direct Weather Control) does, and is the method i use.

I'm afraid I don't know anything about Rex's weather. I've used one or other version of ActiveSky for years. I have Rex installed but only for the clouds, water and skies.

If you want more information about FSUIPC please either download and install it, and read the documentation which is then installed for you, or go to the Download Links subforum here and find the documentation separately in the Documentation thread.



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