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The [Programs] feature

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I've configured my [Programs] section in FSUIPC.ini to start Linda with FSX and shut it down with it too:

RunIf1=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\linda.exe
Run2=CLOSE,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\LINDA.exe

That will try to run Linda twice, with only the second one being closed.

The second one, which, if I got it right, is supposed to close Linda when FSX is terminated, is actually starting a second instance on startup instead of that, ok, not that, it's closing it in the end, but just the last instance so the original Linda instance remains open

Of course, because you never put a CLOSE on that one.

Each Run line operates on one program. Each is a separate set of parameters to start and close that program.

Also, can I suggest an option to run (not only close) a custom program when FSX is shut down if it can be implemented in a few minutes please?

Why? What's the point of that?


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That will try to run Linda twice, with only the second one being closed.

Of course, because you never put a CLOSE on that one.

Each Run line operates on one program. Each is a separate set of parameters to start and close that program.

Why? What's the point of that?


Sorry Pete. I failed misserably at interpreting the documentation. Was editing out my message as you were posting.

The idea of running a program when fsx is closed could have some useful applications, but nothing that can't be done manually. forget it

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