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Is it possible to capture if there are any radio transmission on the frequency tuned in the radios like NAV1 and NAV2. For eg if I am connected to a Center on freq 123.45, I want to know if any transmission was made on that frequency to my aircraft.

Is this possible?




I moved this to the Support Forum because it likely won't get noticed in User Contributions, which is the subforum for folks providing advice and goodies, not asdking for help! ;-)

Is it possible to capture if there are any radio transmission on the frequency tuned in the radios like NAV1 and NAV2. For eg if I am connected to a Center on freq 123.45, I want to know if any transmission was made on that frequency to my aircraft

Yes for NAV radios, which is your question, no for COM radios which is your example.

NAV1 signal detection is indicated by bit 3 in offset 0C4D being zero, and by the signal strength in offset 0C52. There are similar offsets for NAV2. Check the FSUIPC offsets lists in the SDK.




Oops thanks Pete, yes I meant COM1 and COM2 actually, so there is no way I can see the transmission for my aircraft. I was trying to do a small tool to capture the radio transmission the same way its relayed to the kneeboard.

thanks for providing the info.


Oops thanks Pete, yes I meant COM1 and COM2 actually, so there is no way I can see the transmission for my aircraft. I was trying to do a small tool to capture the radio transmission the same way its relayed to the kneeboard.

This is FS's own internal ATC? Sorry, I don't know how to access that.

I use Radar Contact for ATC. More realistic in my opinion, at least for IFR and especially airliner flights. Have you considered an alternative to FS's ATC?

BTW you were "vincent3105" for your original question, and you've transmogrified into "VincentT" now! Each time you use a different Alias your postings have to be re-approved. It would be better to stick with one, or use your real name.



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