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Key is not working

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Hello jetster.

The most common reasons an FSUIPC key would not work are:

1) It's the wrong key (FSUIPC3 key trying to be used in FSUIPC4, for example).

2) You're not entering the information exactly as per the order. Can you try copying and pasting it directly from the your order information at simMarket, in case you made a typo somewhere, please?

If those don't answer the issue, then I'm sure Pete will be along shortly to offer more advice.

Ian P.

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Hello jetster.

The most common reasons an FSUIPC key would not work are:

1) It's the wrong key (FSUIPC3 key trying to be used in FSUIPC4, for example).

2) You're not entering the information exactly as per the order. Can you try copying and pasting it directly from the your order information at simMarket, in case you made a typo somewhere, please?

If those don't answer the issue, then I'm sure Pete will be along shortly to offer more advice.

Ian P.

Maybe the keys have changed since '06?

Order Date: Saturday 28 October, 2006

Products Ordered: 1 x PETE DOWSON - FSUIPC4 (2068) = EUR 24.00

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Hi again, jetster.

No, the keys haven't changed. Provided you enter the information exactly as it was when purchased, it will still work. I've had mine pretty much since FSUIPC4 was released as well!

Thanks Andy.

Ian P.

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The name and email address must also be entered exactly the same way as they were when you purchased back in 2006. If you try entering your current email address if different it is no good, you also do not need access to the old email address it's just used as an added way of uniquely identifying you.

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