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FSX don't keep changed values

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Hi all,

I have a problem with FSUIPC (but I know it's not a problem dued to FSUIPC itself since I have the same problem with SimConnect): I change value of "Engine 1 Oil pressure" (offset 08BA) with FSInterrogate and all works good.

But...FSX suddendly recover the original value (I can see the indicator in the gauge rapidly change at the original value...)

Anyone knows why this happen?

Is there a solution to make a change to be permanent?



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I have a problem with FSUIPC (but I know it's not a problem dued toFSUIPC itself since I have the same problem with SimConnect): I change value of "Engine 1 Oil pressure" (offset 08BA) with FSInterrogate and all works good.

But...FSX suddendly recover the original value (I can see the indicator in the gauge rapidly change at the original value...

I think the oil pressure is one of the values computed and maintained as a result of the simulation. I don't think you can change it really -- a new value will be computed on the next cycle. If you want to display a different value you'd probably need to use your own value, or a completely separate systems simulation like maybe Project Magenta, Sim-Avionics etc.



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Thanks Pete for your reply...

hmmm...have to check out what Project Magenta can do (I really don't know it, just have "heard" its name...)

Was thinking to implement a temporized "infinite loop" to maintain the value but I think this trick should only be used to quantities (that really can't be restored in reality), but as for pressure or any other "measure" that derives from many factors I think I should use other systems (Project Magenta or Sim-Avionics...)

Best Regards,


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hmmm...have to check out what Project Magenta can do (I really don't know it, just have "heard" its name...)

I don't even know if it does simulate changes in oil pressure, only that it simulates systems more than FS does. Maybe also sophisticated add-on aircraft like the PMDG range do.

Perhaps if you tell me more about what you are trying to do I could advise better. For instance, in FSUIPC4 (for FSX) there is a facility to "spoof" values being read from FSUIPC (i.e. change them), using a Lua plug-in. Maybe this would meet you needs, whatever they are.


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Thanks again Pete,

well, what I trying to do is what many before me tried to do (for what I've read on this forum and Internet) and is: simulate some sort of failure.

I'm only analazying the situation by now: for example I've seen that even if I force the oil pressure to stay at zero (with that temporized, infinite loop, just to have a POC), all other parameters of simulation (Oil Temp, Fuel pressure and so on...) react according with the lack of oil but then I'd also to simulate the consequences (as I've read to a your past reply in this forum).

I could accept this but the problem is that I'm not a motor engineer so I don't know all the "consequences" and more: I don't want to develop a simulator, but a failure generator and leave to to engine simulator to give all the consequences and even engine stops...

Forcing parameter to zero with "infinite loop" is not correct because in this way a pilot simply can't do anything to fight the failure...

The conclusion is that by now I'm more convinced to manage the failure more as a "list of event that could happen": every system have its own percentile chance to fail, every...10 minute, I'll check that chances...if the right value is rolled (yeah...like a dice roll :D) that system fails.

In this way there is no a clue of realism but I think is better than nothing...

Comments? :)))

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well, what I trying to do is what many before me tried to do (for what I've read on this forum and Internet) and is: simulate some sort of failure.

Unfortunately, if the subsystem you are trying to make fail is not fully simulated in FS, and it doesn't already provide such a failure simulation, the only way may be to take over the complete simulation of that subsystem and any related ones which may also be affected.

I'm only analazying the situation by now: for example I've seen that even if I force the oil pressure to stay at zero (with that temporized, infinite loop, just to have a POC), all other parameters of simulation (Oil Temp, Fuel pressure and so on...) react according with the lack of oil but then I'd also to simulate the consequences (as I've read to a your past reply in this forum).

There are some external subsystems implementations which may be able to do all this, and possibly some aircraft add-ons which are sophisticated enough. In FSX at present the most likely is the PMDG 737NGX which appears to have a very complete implementation of all of the subsystems. Of course such implementations do not use much of the FSX simulation and therefore you have to find other ways of changing the values and reading out the consequences.

Among the external systems implementations you may want to investigate ProSim737 which I believe does implement all the interactions between systems and, as a bonus, can be interfaced via FSUIPC offsets.

I could accept this but the problem is that I'm not a motor engineer so I don't know all the "consequences" and more: I don't want to develop a simulator, but a failure generator and leave to to engine simulator to give all the consequences and even engine stops..

In which case there may be little choice but to check out some of the add-on or external systems implementations.



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Really thanks, Pete.

This clarify to me that what I understood was correct.

Will look forward for that addon software, while I'll carry on this my simpler project of "managed" failures...

Probably I'll open an open project on codeplex for this.


Best Regards,


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