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Send Message to FS2004

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Can anyone please tell me how i can send message to fs9.1. I've tried all kinds of code, and in different languages including C#, VB6, VB.Net, C. But it doesn't work. FSUIPC ver

char *msg="This is a test\0";
short int ctrl=0;

FSUIPC_Write(0x3380, strlen(msg)+1, &msg, &dwResult);

FSUIPC_Write(0x32FA, 2, &ctrl, &dwResult);

The above is a C code that I'm trying to use. Nothing happens. I'm able to read/write simple values but unable to display the message.

Any help is much appreciated.




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Can anyone please tell me how i can send message to fs9.1. I've tried all kinds of code, and in different languages including C#, VB6, VB.Net, C. But it doesn't work. FSUIPC ver

The facility is okay here with 3.998. I'm sure 3.991 is okay too.

you have a basic C error. You define msg as a pointer to a string, and then, when calling FSUIPC_Write you take the address of that pointer (&msg). So the parameter being passed is a pointer to a pointer, not to a string.

You can use msg as it is as the pointer to the string, because that's what it is, or use &msg[0] to point to its first character.

Also it is very inefficient to use a separate Process for each read or write. Your code would be better as:

char *msg="This is a test\0";
short int ctrl=0;

FSUIPC_Write(0x3380, strlen(msg)+1, msg, &dwResult);
FSUIPC_Write(0x32FA, 2, &ctrl, &dwResult);

Not sure why you are using "if" on the Process call when you aren't doing anything if it fails.

The above is a C code that I'm trying to use. Nothing happens.

You are writing a single line, so also check that you don't have the option to suppress single line messages set on FSUIPC's "About" option page.


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Ah yes. Had changed to msg in my code but didn't update the code here.

And thanks for your prompt help. I figured out what the problem was. Checked the FSUIPC log. it was loging alright Something about the output going to ADVDisplay. Unchecked it in the modules menu and it appeared.

Thanks again

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