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Hey everyone, Iam planning to build a real cockpit and have a few questions.

I currently have fsuipc4.703 purchased all assigments correct and would like to give it a realistic tip.buying the seconD saitek yoke for the co-pilot, is it posible for fsx to recognize? will they not confuse each other arround? I will mantain the 1 THROTTLE that comes with the Pro yoke system and the adicional Saitek Throttle Quadrant.


name='Nicio' timestamp='1317343498' post='431936']buying the seconD saitek yoke for the co-pilot, is it posible for fsx to recognize? will they not confuse each other arround?

FSX will be able to assign and use both, but it reacts to the any changes from either. Provided there are no changed inputs from the one not in use, you won't have a problem, but unfortunately many joysticks do have occasional "jitter" which would interfere with the one in use.

You can get around that in FSX by increasing the "null zone", but since you have a registered FSUIPC there is a better alternative. Assign both yoke's aileron and elevator axes in FSUIPC, selecting "direct to FSUIPC calibration", then calibrate in FSUIPC. When you do this FSUIPC will arbitrate between the two otherwise conflicting inputs, giving precedence to the one with the greatest deflection from centre.



  • 4 months later...

...........Assign both yoke's aileron and elevator axes in FSUIPC, selecting "direct to FSUIPC calibration", then calibrate in FSUIPC. When you do this FSUIPC will arbitrate between the two otherwise conflicting inputs, giving precedence to the one with the greatest deflection from centre.



Hi Pete,

I am currently on the same path with a two controller equipment, one for the PF the other for PNF.

Question: I am using 2 different yokes (from different manufacturers) so I need two different calibrations for the same FS function (e.g. Elevator).

How can I implement this?

I got FSUIPC for FS9/X since years and I have experience with LUA. Possibly you remember my conversation with you last year ;-) .

Thanks and best regards form Erlangen, Germany



I am using 2 different yokes (from different manufacturers) so I need two different calibrations for the same FS function (e.g. Elevator).

How can I implement this?

Sorry, it is not possible in FSUIPC to have different calibrations for the same axis. The calibrations work on the axis control for the intended aircraft surface, not on the joystick inputs.

There are two things you can try to match them a little better. One is using the scaling options you can add into the assignment lines in the INI file. The Advanced User's guide is the reference for this. The other is to assign the joystick axes to Lua programs (in which they get the axis value as their "ipcPARAM" variable) and do your own calibration, or pre-calibration, there, before sending the results off to FS via the original controls you are currently assigning to.

The calibration in the Lua would only be a matter of comparing the axis values with a preset minimum and maximum (measured using normal calibration) and scaling the input value between those to the range -16384 to +16383, assuming you then send them as normal AXIS controls and use FSUIPC calibration if you need reverse zones. The other variations are also easy enough.

Get back to me if you need more.



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