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Hi Pete,

I have a question about FSUIPC and ASE on a client PC

ASE is on a client PC and connects to FSX via simconnect . I use DWC mode in ASE.

I use RC4 and for fsuipc to read ASE weather (which is the default when in DWC mode i understand) it needs to get it from the client am i correct?

How does FSUIPC do this; Does it get the weather from ASE via simconnect or do i need a widefs client installed on the client.

I ask this because it seems RC4 always uses the weather what is predicted in FSX

If i need widefs for this is there some special configuration i have to do for having it to work with ASE?

Thanks in advance

William Schoenmakers


ASE is on a client PC and connects to FSX via simconnect . I use DWC mode in ASE.

I use RC4 and for fsuipc to read ASE weather (which is the default when in DWC mode i understand) it needs to get it from the client am i correct?

How does FSUIPC do this; Does it get the weather from ASE via simconnect or do i need a widefs client installed on the client.

You'd need WideFS enabled (i.e. registered) and WideClient running and connected on the PC running ASE. There's no other way FSUIPC can get the weather from ASE. If ASE were running on the same PC as FSX then it could do it directly. On a Network it has to rely on WideFS.

If i need widefs for this is there some special configuration i have to do for having it to work with ASE?

No, it will be automatic.



Using rex2 application for Wx & Scenery

Windows 7 64 bit

Client using Windows XP with Virtual Comport on Com1

WideClient connects with Fsx but not with client application

It worked fine before Microsoft security updates

Config file problem??

See Config file & Log:























; -----------------------------------------------



; ===============================================

********* WideClient Log [version 6.86] Class=FS98MAIN *********

Date (dmy): 28/10/11, Time 12:10:49.640: Client name is OWNER-PC

422 LUA: "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\WideFS 7 Client\Initial.LUA": not found

422 Attempting to connect now

828 Trying TCP/IP host "XTREME-PC" port 8002 ...

828 ... Okay, IP Address =

828 Connection made okay!

12344 Lost contact with ASE WX requester

595328 ****** End of session performance summary ******

595328 Total time connected = 592 seconds

595328 Reception maximum: 32 frames/sec, 816 bytes/sec

595328 Reception average whilst connected: 23 frames/sec, 576 bytes/sec

595328 Transmission maximum: 0 frames/sec, 39 bytes/sec

595328 Transmission average whilst connected: 0 frames/sec, 19 bytes/sec

595328 Max receive buffer = 450, Max send depth = 2, Send frames lost = 0

595328 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 2, Alloc 14399 Freed 14399 Refused 0) *********

All I need is position data sent to the Client application for the moving map.

Please advise........ Anybody


Client using Windows XP with Virtual Comport on Com1

WideClient connects with Fsx but not with client application

Sorry, I don't understand. What is this "virtual comport"? What is it for? how does it relate to WideClient? Are you talking about using the GSPout facility?





What is that "Port3" parameter? Wideclient won't recognise that.

And Run parameters belong in the [user] section -- that won't work there either.

You don't seem to have any [GPSout] section defined, so I've no idea what it is you are attempting.

The WideClient log is fine. Nothing wrong there.

All I need is position data sent to the Client application for the moving map.

Using GPSout on the Server? Have you enabled it there and specified WideFS?

Without correct parameters in the WideClient INI file nothing will happen.


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