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Profiles - Specific vs Generic

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I did a lot of reading in documentation and forum, but finally could not be 100% sure, so I ask the question.

Assuming that:

  1. there are profiles defined (e.g. LightGA, Turboprops, LightBoeing, HeavyBoeing) and aircrafts are assigned to them
  2. for these profiles, only some of the four available sections are defined (e.g. only Buttons and Keys, but no Axes and Calibration sections)


aircrafts assigned to these profiles will follow the generic part for the other sections, that have not been defined as profile-specific (e.g. whatever is defined in the generic [JoystickCalibration]) or not (i.e. revert to whatever is defined in FSX) ?

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Assuming that:

  1. there are profiles defined (e.g. LightGA, Turboprops, LightBoeing, HeavyBoeing) and aircrafts are assigned to them
  2. for these profiles, only some of the four available sections are defined (e.g. only Buttons and Keys, but no Axes and Calibration sections)

then aircrafts assigned to these profiles will follow the generic part for the other sections, that have not been defined as profile-specific (e.g. whatever is defined in the generic [JoystickCalibration]) or not (i.e. revert to whatever is defined in FSX) ?

Correct. (Not sure what else they could possibly do! ;-) ) .



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