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Buttons & Switches not working

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I have been using FSUIPC for a few years with no trouble, but today if I try to set buttons or keys the top few lines of the setting panel flash on and off rapidly and I cannot set anything or check any boxes.

All the other panels for setting other categories such as Assingnments and Keys work OK.

I have downloaded the latest version to no avail.

Any ideas please


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I have been using FSUIPC for a few years with no trouble, but today if I try to set buttons or keys the top few lines of the setting panel flash on and off rapidly and I cannot set anything or check any boxes.

All the other panels for setting other categories such as Assingnments and Keys work OK.

It sounds like you have a button or dial which is constantly flickering on and off. You need to find out which it is (use Button logging or check in FS assignments if you can't read it in FSUIPC), and either get the device fixed, or use the "IgnoreThese" facility in the FSUIPC INI file -- searching for that in the Advanced User's manual.

You could of course find out which device it is by unplugging them one by one, but in case when plugging them back in windows changes ID numbers on you, it would be best to change FSUIPC to using joystick lettering instead if you've not already done so -- see the User Guide section entitled "Keeping track of multiple control devices".

You could also first try pushing every button, operating every switch, and turning every knob, a few times each, just on the off-chance that it's a partial contact which will clear itself by action.



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It sounds like you have a button or dial which is constantly flickering on and off. You need to find out which it is (use Button logging or check in FS assignments if you can't read it in FSUIPC), and either get the device fixed, or use the "IgnoreThese" facility in the FSUIPC INI file -- searching for that in the Advanced User's manual.

You could of course find out which device it is by unplugging them one by one, but in case when plugging them back in windows changes ID numbers on you, it would be best to change FSUIPC to using joystick lettering instead if you've not already done so -- see the User Guide section entitled "Keeping track of multiple control devices".

You could also first try pushing every button, operating every switch, and turning every knob, a few times each, just on the off-chance that it's a partial contact which will clear itself by action.



Thanks Pete. It was the throttle lever on my new Saitek quadrant.


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