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key registration is rejected

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Peter please help me

November 4th 2011 I have paid for the fsuipc3 order number 797449 of simmarket.

When I try to register, introducing my name,email, and key registration number, the system informs that may key registration is not valid.

I wrote several tickets to simmarket, and they ansewr to contact the support addresses listed in the documentation of the product, and thatr the support addresses are alsolisted in the product description pages in "our shop"

I can not find them.

¿Whom my I contact by mail to help me?

Many thanks for your help


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November 4th 2011 I have paid for the fsuipc3 order number 797449 of simmarket.

Yes, I see it.

When I try to register, introducing my name,email, and key registration number, the system informs that may key registration is not valid.

You are either using an old version of FSUIPC (current is 3.998g, but any version since 3.99 is supported), or, more likely, you are making a mistake entering one of the fields. All parts -- name, email and key, must be EXACTLY correct. Cut and paste is best to avoid making errors.

I wrote several tickets to simmarket, and they ansewr to contact the support addresses listed in the documentation of the product, and thatr the support addresses are alsolisted in the product description pages in "our shop"

I can not find them.

But you have found 'them' (me actually) -- you are here!


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Peter please help me

November 4th 2011 I have paid for the fsuipc3 order number 797449 of simmarket.

When I try to register, introducing my name,email, and key registration number, the system informs that may key registration is not valid.

I wrote several tickets to simmarket, and they ansewr to contact the support addresses listed in the documentation of the product, and thatr the support addresses are alsolisted in the product description pages in "our shop"

I can not find them.

¿Whom my I contact by mail to help me?

Many thanks for your help


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I am very much SURE, that I am registering exactly as instruction says. It must be something else.

As a test I've used your details here and registered with the 3.998g installer with no trouble. I'm afraid that if your entries are immediately met, after entry, with a message saying they are invalid, you are most certainly entering something incorrectly. The check is made on all three entry fields. You have at least one wrong. Maybe spaces at the end or something not quite so obvious.

Please may you send me a new key ????

No, because how can that make any difference? The one sent to you is fine. If you are making a mistake, a new one will make no difference and it will just make things complicated because I'd have to get the good one you have disabled!



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