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New PC

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Hello Pete,

I've just built my first PC and dedicated it to FSX. It is networked to the old PC which still has FSX installed.

I've installed FSUIPC on the new PC and I'd like to install WideFS. What concerns me is by installing wide client .exe on the old PC, would it be influenced by the existing FSX and FSUIPC?

If I have to un-install FSX from the old PC then so be it. I've kept it installed for now until all is set in concrete on the new PC.

Your help appreciated,



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What concerns me is by installing wide client .exe on the old PC, would it be influenced by the existing FSX and FSUIPC?

No. You just can't run WideClient and FS at the same time -- unless you change the ClassInstance parameter in the Wideclient.INI file. That way you can run FS and any number of WideClients together, though I can't imagine why you'd want to. Though, come to think of it, I have one client PC running three copies of WideClient -- one normal one to support applicatiions and the other two using ClassInstances 1 and 2 and supporting two separate buttons touch screens, one on pilot's side the other on the copilot's side! ;-)



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