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I'm not really sure what I'm doing here, but I'm middling through OK..

I have a real 747 throttle quadrant. Everything works as intended running either though FSX, Leo Bodnar card or phidget card - all buttons and levers are assigned a profile from within FSUPIC.

I cannot seem to get the reverse thrusters functional.

Perhaps offsets will help.

Does anyone know the correct offset numbers? Is it 207C and 217C ?

Thank you, Iain


I cannot seem to get the reverse thrusters functional.

As Alaxus asks, how you program them depends on how they are working -- axes or buttons/switches?

Perhaps offsets will help.

No need -- for that you'd need to write a program. And why bother if they are detectable controls?

Does anyone know the correct offset numbers? Is it 207C and 217C ?

FSUIPC supports reverser axes. For button/switches you just use the THROTTLE DECRement controls.

207C and 217C are read-only. All direct throttle control via offsets is via the normal throttle control values. But it gets complicated using those when using Autopilot, especially with motorised quadrants. It is usually easier to use the correct controls instead.

Your first job is to work out what your reversers are doing, as we first asked.




Reverser levers are detectable as buttons/switches

In FSUPIC I can activate reverser 1 and/or 2 and a button is easily assigned. If I try and use the joystick calibration section of FSUPIC (reverser section) nothing is registered when I move the reverser.

Thank you, Iain


Reverser levers are detectable as buttons/switches

In FSUPIC I can activate reverser 1 and/or 2 and a button is easily assigned. If I try and use the joystick calibration section of FSUPIC (reverser section) nothing is registered when I move the reverser.

In that case, if the button stays on when the reverser is activated, just assign it to THROTTLE1_DECR or THROTTLE2_DECR, with it set to repeat whilst held. Assign the button release to THROTTLE1_SET or THROTTLE2_SET with a parameter of 0, to go to idle when you release the reversers.

If it doesn't stay on, but only comes on momentarily, you'll need to assign it to THROTTLE1_SET or THROTTLE2_SET with -4096, or maybe -16384, as the parameter.

With the latter operation, or if it doesn't stay on without pressure, you would need to push the reversers back out of the way and advance the throttles a little to come back out of reverse (instead of assigning button release).




Hello Pete

Both throttle reverse levers appear to be set to button 4. Program to throttle_1decr_ and only reverser 1 will operate. You can only program reverser 1 or 2 but not both as they have the same button allocation (4).

Is there a way to change the button 4 allocation for both levers?

I did a trial using throttle_decr_ only and both reverser units come on but they are not independent of one another.

Is it normal that the reversers ONLY to turn off when forward thrust is triggered again by forward movement on the thrust levers? I thought the reverse thrust would cease when the thrust levers were pushed forward into their locking position? Iain


Both throttle reverse levers appear to be set to button 4.

That's a shame -- they must be wired together!

Program to throttle_1decr_ and only reverser 1 will operate. You can only program reverser 1 or 2 but not both as they have the same button allocation (4).

Is there a way to change the button 4 allocation for both levers?

Yes, there is, but there's no point. you might as well assign to THROTTLE_DECR instead, which operates all reversers. That's what the F2 key does in FS.

I did a trial using throttle_decr_ only and both reverser units come on but they are not independent of one another.

Well if you've only got one input indication they cannot be independent, can they? You'd need to sort your hardware out first.

Is it normal that the reversers ONLY to turn off when forward thrust is triggered again by forward movement on the thrust levers? I thought the reverse thrust would cease when the thrust levers were pushed forward into their locking position? Iain

Please go back and read what I said before. How is FS to know you have pushed the reversers back to off? If the button is held with them pulled to you and released with them pushed away, just program the button release as I instructed. Otherwise there is no indication for the Sim to go by other than a throttle change, is there? Think about it, and please, please, do read what I write. I did explain all that.




Thank you Peter. Yes it's a pity that the guy who converted this fine piece of 737 machinery to FS short changed by wiring both reverse levers together - oh well. Perhaps I will tinker one day, but not now...

I was querying what occurs in a real aircraft when the reverse levers are activated - not FS. But, I understand that FS needs something to provide the instruction to stop reversing.

Thank you for your time and patience Peter. Enjoy the day Iain


I was querying what occurs in a real aircraft when the reverse levers are activated - not FS.

Ah, real aircraft reversers for jets operate completely differently. In FS you are just telling it to reverse the thrust, and that internally is a negative thrust value which is variable. In jets it's a mechanical process and in a 737 the reversers really only have two positions -- one to operate the mechanics and lower the deflectors, a position you hold for a while before you can pull back further to increase the engine thrust against the deflectors.



Ah, real aircraft reversers for jets operate completely differently. In FS you are just telling it to reverse the thrust, and that internally is a negative thrust value which is variable. In jets it's a mechanical process and in a 737 the reversers really only have two positions -- one to operate the mechanics and lower the deflectors, a position you hold for a while before you can pull back further to increase the engine thrust against the deflectors. Regards Pete

Pity FS cannot emmulate the real deal. I wonder if this can done with Phidgets. Thanks Peter,, Iain

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