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Simkits with fsuipc

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I've just started to build my helicopter cockpit.

I use the simkits multi controller board for my switches.

This board has a total of 3X 25 lines, so 1 line input, output or servo. So i can install a total of 25 inputs, outputs or servo's to it, if i have one input on line one, there cant be anything else on the output or servo of line 1.

Now my question is:

I have installed a switch for my fuel pump eng.1 on line 1 and a led on line 2.

The switch sends his command via fsuipc.

Is it possible to link it with the led also driven by fsuipc?

So when my fuel pump or avionic etc is in its off position, i see the appropriate warning led, and when the switch is turned on, the led goes off?

Sorry for my bad english!

Kindly regards,

Rick Winkelman

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I have installed a switch for my fuel pump eng.1 on line 1 and a led on line 2.

The switch sends his command via fsuipc.

Is it possible to link it with the led also driven by fsuipc?

So when my fuel pump or avionic etc is in its off position, i see the appropriate warning led, and when the switch is turned on, the led goes off?

I'm afraid FSUIPC isn't a general purpose hardware driver for any possible hardware interface boards out there. It doesn't itself drive any displays or indicators. Every hardware implementation is different, so how could it? The same really applies to inputs from switches and axes -- for those it relies on standard Windows joystick drivers -- or special cases like GoFlight and VRi devices for which additional input facilities have been included.

If yuor interface board is a standard USB HID device then it may be possible to program it via Lua plug-ins using the HID extensions to the com library, but it is a programming job.

How is FSUIPC seeing the switches in any case? Does the board come with any software?



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Sorry for my late response, There is software availible to say that " that one switch does that specified offset" .

Now i think it must work if i know the good offesets used for warnings.

Is there a list availible?

I've searched for a while but cant find it, sorry for that!


Rick Winkelman

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