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VERY Strange Problem

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First off, this is my 1st support query after using your wonderful FSUIPC product for SO many years. What you have been able to accomplish is trull amazing.

A weird problem occurred tonight out of the blue....literally. In an attempt to install a FSX compliant radar screen, I purchased one online and installed it. When I loaded FSX tonight, I loaded in to London City Center to join some friends for a hop to Liverpool. Much to my dismay, my Add On drop down menu was missing until I ran FS Host Client (it then showed up). No FSUIPC though. I deleted the DLL;s for FSUIPC and reinstalled, not joy. Deleted again....Reinstalled and registered updated FSUIPC....no joy. Tried reverting my DLL.XML file back post Radar screen install....still no joy.

Any thoughts? Have you come across this before?


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In an attempt to install a FSX compliant radar screen, I purchased one online and installed it. When I loaded FSX tonight, I loaded in to London City Center to join some friends for a hop to Liverpool. Much to my dismay, my Add On drop down menu was missing until I ran FS Host Client (it then showed up).

It sounds like the installer for the "FSX compliant radar screen" messed up the DLL.XML file. What is "FS Host Client"? If that installs an EXE.XML it may enable something which provides an Add-On menu, but not help the DLL.XML file.

No FSUIPC though. I deleted the DLL;s for FSUIPC and reinstalled, not joy. Deleted again.

There's never any point in doing any of that. The DLL is just a DLL. Replacing it with the same DLL does nothing.

...Reinstalled and registered updated FSUIPC....no joy.

Unless you deleted your KEY file there's no need to re-register either.

Tried reverting my DLL.XML file back post Radar screen install....still no joy.

You'd need to revert to the DLL.XML pre-install, not post-install if that corrupted it. Or, for test purposes, simply rename the DLL.XML so you don't lose it, and reinstall FSUIPC so that it creates a new one.

Any thoughts? Have you come across this before?

Yes, of course. Corrupted DLL.XML files seem a common result of some poorly written installers.

The XML files are text, so you can paste them into a message here so they can be checked. But first try renaming the bad one you have and installing FSUIPC again. If that's okay and you want the main one fixed, paste it here and I'll take a look.



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