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BU0836X Calibration and Noise

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I'm having some issues with a BU0836X... perhaps you have some input on it (I tried to contain Leo several times, but haven't heard back - maybe he's away as well).

I bought a BU0836X a few months ago to replace the controller in a Saitek yoke. Everything was working great, but recently I noticed some issues. I observed some noise in the elevator control (Y axis) around the center position. As I move the yoke, there's considerable "jumping" around, which smoothes out at the extremes of the axis. This is visible under the "Control Panel" "Game Controllers" "BU" "Test" tab (the + cursor exhibits this behavior) but it is not apparent during calibration (with the option displaying the raw data).

That is, the raw data seems to increase smoothly regardless of axes positions, but after calibration it's "jumpy". It seems odd that the values during calibration do not exhibit any noise (no "jumping" as I smoothly pull or push the yoke through the center) but do in the actual use/test area.

So there appears to be raw data coming from the device which in my setup ranges from around "600" to "3600" in both axes, which is then linearly interpolated after calibration to -16k to 16k by Windows. Is this assumption correct? The raw 600-3600 doesn't seem to exhibit the noise (assumed around 2100), but the -16k to 16k does (around 0).

Can FSUIPC be setup to use these raw values and have it do it's own scaling/translating or does it only see the Windows calibrated values? Would you happen to know of a way to log these two simultaneously with some application, so that I could graph them and verify the behavior and try to figure what might be causing it? Since the raw values appear fine, it doesn't seem to be a hardware issue, but I have no idea what might cause the noisy behavior in software (it doesn't make sense).



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Hello Pilot John

Following an overhead panel re-wire I had to recalibrate the yoke,control column etc. I found the erratic behaviour (of the little cross) in settings is overcome by moving the controller in question several if not many times in order for it to take 'proper' effect.

Works every time for me and I have 4 BU0836X boards connected!

Hope that helps.

Happy New Year


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