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WideClient.exe not running

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I have just tried to run WideClient (6.86) on my laptop (Win2k SP4), and it won't start. There is no error log created, and when I look in the task manager, WideClient.exe appears briefly in the list but disappears less than a second later. Both WideClient .exe and WideClient.ini are in the same folder as specified in the user manual. Any ideas where I can start?


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I have just tried to run WideClient (6.86) on my laptop (Win2k SP4), and it won't start. There is no error log created, and when I look in the task manager, WideClient.exe appears briefly in the list but disappears less than a second later. Both WideClient .exe and WideClient.ini are in the same folder as specified in the user manual. Any ideas where I can start?

Sorry, I cannot support any operating system older than XP. Win2K is well past its sell-by date. It just does not support the facilities now used.



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