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Getting sorted with the PFC stuff. One of the things I want to do is use the start switch (left and right) to change views in the VC. Then I want to use the Cowl Flap switch to change views (Forward Overhead and Pedestal) in the VC.

I was successfully able to map the yoke switches to views the way I want them (Right- Front View) Right Upper Rocker (MCP) and Right Lower Rocker (CDU). The left switches I have left at default (Trim UP & Down and AP Disco). Also, I mapped the Fuel Boost as Cutoff + Idle so that works fine.

Why am I not able to send the commands I want to the views from the switches (they both are spring loaded/momentary)? Everything else is working the way I want/need.

I'd add- this is with the LATEST PFC and FSUIPC (paid) drivers, and with the NGX + EZCAMERA. I can send the very same mapped keystrokes with the keyboard, and the views change just fine- so I'm thinking the Console is still sending the Cirrus Commands (start, cowl etc) and perhaps I should uncheck the Cirrus Console tick box in PFC? I do remember reading in the PDF that FSUIPC is supposed to override ANY Cirrus setting.........




  On 1/11/2012 at 4:27 PM, cavaricooper said:

I was successfully able to map the yoke switches to views the way I want them (Right- Front View) Right Upper Rocker (MCP) and Right Lower Rocker (CDU). The left switches I have left at default (Trim UP & Down and AP Disco). Also, I mapped the Fuel Boost as Cutoff + Idle so that works fine.

Why am I not able to send the commands I want to the views from the switches (they both are spring loaded/momentary)?

Sorry, I don't have enough information. Is this the USB version of the cirrus, using PFCHIF.DLL, or the serial port version using PFCFSX.DLL? And what are you actually trying to assign. If you can explain what you are doing and how maybe I can help.

I'm thinking the Console is still sending the Cirrus Commands (start, cowl etc) and perhaps I should uncheck the Cirrus Console tick box in PFC? I do remember reading in the PDF that FSUIPC is supposed to override ANY Cirrus setting.........

It sounds like you mean PFCCSX, i.e. the serial port version.

Yes, assignments in FSUIPC override the normal actions, but even if they didn't you'd get both actions -- the FSUIPC assignments aren't discarded if you've made them and the button operation is detected.



  On 1/11/2012 at 5:32 PM, cavaricooper said:

Cannot use keyboard arrows....fine w/ F keys and normal key strokes

You'd really be better off assigning to tthe actual FS controls rather than keystrokes in any case. If you aren't sure which controls to use, just enable Event logging in FSUIPC (logging tab), then use the keystroke or mouse switch, and check for the control namein the log file.





I understand your position- I however, only fly PMDG's 747, NGX and RealAir's Turbine Duke (in that order) with any regularity. Truth be told the NGX has been accumulating 80% of my hours as of the past year........the keys are mapped the same in the 3 aircraft........I suppose the benefit to using the FS controls would be that they would be universal- but I'm not sure that they are the same for custom a/c. For instance, the #1 fuel cutoff in the NGX is currently Ctl+Sht+F1......... does that compare?



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