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there is a difference between VB 6 + VB 8.

Manipulating was different using arrays.

My question is:

How Read + Write a single Flag value with Visual Basic 2008 ?

Example: FSuipc - Offset 3366 - Var.Type U8 - Bit 0 .. 7

Thank you.


My question is:

How Read + Write a single Flag value with Visual Basic 2008 ?

Example: FSuipc - Offset 3366 - Var.Type U8 - Bit 0 .. 7

If you are using my DLL then the easiest way is to declare the offset as a 'BitArray' type.

The sample application included with the DLL has an example of using a BitArray offset for the lights.

Basically, you need to declare the offset as follows:

Dim enginesOnFire As Offset(Of BitArray) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of BitArray)(&H3366, 1)

Note the size is 1 because the offset is 1 byte.

Then after processing you can check if each bit is set by using an array index. This is 0 based so to test is bit 0 is set you use:

If enginesOnFire.Value(0) = True then
' Engine 1 on Fire!
end if

Engine 2 would be enginesOnFire.Value(1)

Engine 3 would be enginesOnFire.Value(2)

Engine 4 would be enginesOnFire.Value(3)

You can also set and reset these bits by setting the value to True or False repectively e.g.

enginesOnFire.Value(2) = True

although the documentation says this probably doesn't start a fire in the simulation, just sets the warning light.



If you are using my DLL then the easiest way is to declare the offset as a 'BitArray' type.

The sample application included with the DLL has an example of using a BitArray offset for the lights.

Basically, you need to declare the offset as follows:

Dim enginesOnFire As Offset(Of BitArray) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of BitArray)(&H3366, 1)

Note the size is 1 because the offset is 1 byte.

Then after processing you can check if each bit is set by using an array index. This is 0 based so to test is bit 0 is set you use:

If enginesOnFire.Value(0) = True then
' Engine 1 on Fire!
end if

Engine 2 would be enginesOnFire.Value(1)

Engine 3 would be enginesOnFire.Value(2)

Engine 4 would be enginesOnFire.Value(3)

You can also set and reset these bits by setting the value to True or False repectively e.g.

enginesOnFire.Value(2) = True

although the documentation says this probably doesn't start a fire in the simulation, just sets the warning light.


Many thanks for you explanation. It's OK.



although the documentation says this probably doesn't start a fire in the simulation, just sets the warning light.

It certainly does set an engine fire in FSX. Don't know about FS9 though.



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