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I have a profile set for my PMDG 737 but everytime I start FSX or change Aircraft I have to go into the dropdown select fsuipc, click on the buttons tab and check the profile box and select my profile. I don't actually have to make a button change just check and select. What am I doing wrong, I am using profiles because I am adding another quadrant and profile the 747's with four throttles.


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I have a profile set for my PMDG 737 but everytime I start FSX or change Aircraft I have to go into the dropdown select fsuipc, click on the buttons tab and check the profile box and select my profile.

Once you've selected a Profile for a specific aircraft name, then that aircraft is listed in the INI file as belonging to that Profile. This is entirely automatic. Either you are loading a different aircraft (one with a different name, eg livery) each time, or possibly your INI file is corrupted and the updating is going wrong. I've never heard of the latter occurring in this way, but if you think this may be the case, paste the INI file contents into a message here and I'll check.

If you've ever edited the INI file yourself with something like WordPad or a word Processor it may be in completely the wrong format, and that would certainly cause problems which are difficult to spot. The latest updates to both FSUIPC3 (3.999b) and FSUIPC4 (4.801) are able to correct for this mistake. You can get those in the Download Links subforum.



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I did not do anything manually, but having checked the INI I do see that is very specific, it looks like I will have to do this with every livery before they all we be uincluded. I just tried an Aloha 737-8 and there was no control and it wasn't in the INI but the base 737-800 was. So I switched to an aircraft that was in the INI and I had all of my settings. that it was type dependent but I see it is type and livery. No biggie, now that I know what to do it only takes a second to fix.

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I did not do anything manually, but having checked the INI I do see that is very specific, it looks like I will have to do this with every livery before they all we be uincluded

FSUIPC itself cannot identify the crucial defining part of an aircraft name, it just has to use whatever it is given. However, you can make life much easier for yourself. All you need to do is check that "ShortAircraftNameOk=substring" is set in the [General] section of the INI file, then, in each of your [Profile.<name>] sections shorten the aircraft name to whatever identifies it sufficently. For example, if all 737's should have the same Profile, set the name in the list to 737. Remove, then, any unnecessary duplicates.

Sorry, but there is no way FSUIPC can do such things automatically. The name of an aircraft is just an arbitrary string. Only you can determine which parts really matter.



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FSUIPC itself cannot identify the crucial defining part of an aircraft name, it just has to use whatever it is given. However, you can make life much easier for yourself. All you need to do is check that "ShortAircraftNameOk=substring" is set in the [General] section of the INI file, then, in each of your [Profile.<name>] sections shorten the aircraft name to whatever identifies it sufficently. For example, is all 737's should have the same Profile, set the name in the list to 737. Remove, then, any unnecessary duplicates.

Sorry, but there is no way FSUIPC can do such things automatically. The name of an aircraft is just an arbitrary string. Only you can determine which parts really matter.



Thank you sir, will do... done and successful.

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