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FS9 not waiting for clients!!

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Installed FSUIPC for FS9, registered both FSUIPC and Wideserver succesfully and it says so in the modules section of FS9, but it's not waiting for clients and the other 2 PC's won't connect.

What isn't waiting for clients? Have you installed WideServer.DLL? Show me the WideServer log file if so.



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FS9 is running, on the title bar it does not say "waiting for client" consequently the other 2 machines running Radar Contact and FS Commander don't connect. My FSUIPC install is the latest from your site 3.99 I registered both at the same time. No Wideserver.dll found, I installed twice so far.

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FS9 is running, on the title bar it does not say "waiting for client" consequently the other 2 machines running Radar Contact and FS Commander don't connect. My FSUIPC install is the latest from your site 3.99 I registered both at the same time. No Wideserver.dll found, I installed twice so far.

Two points:

1. WideFS for FS9 comes with WideClient.EXE which runs on the Client PC, and WideServer.DLL which runs in the Server PC and must be placed in the Modules folder. If you downloaded the WideFS package you'd have both parts, AND documentation which tells you such things! I don't know what sort of WideFS package you've found without the Server!?

2. Version 3.99 is out of date. The earliest supported version is 3.999.



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