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MakeRunways question

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Hello Pete,

I am writing a util that can compare the installed scenery data (mainly ILS freq.) to current AIRAC data.

It is useful to create a report of airports where scenery ILS is not in accordance with the A/C FMC data.

For this purpose I came across your MakeRunways program, an excellent tool !

For simplicity, I am using the .CSV file as it contains just the data I need in a ready to use format.

However, I am having the problem that the runway 'offset' is keeping me from identifying the correct runway sometimes.

I.e. for my home airport, EKCH, this is the result with my installed Kastrup X Scenery:

From .txt file:

Runway 4L/22R centre: N55:36:15.8120 E012:37:20.4792 17ft

Runway 4L closed for landing and take-off

Runway 22R closed for landing

Start 4L: N55:35:33.1163 E012:36:14.4696 17ft Hdg: 41.2T, Length 11879ft

Computed start 4L: Lat 55.592133 Long 12.603362

Start 22R: N55:36:43.9303 E012:38:03.9455 17ft Hdg: 221.2T, Length 11879ft

Computed start 22R: Lat 55.616653 Long 12.641348

Offset Threshold secondary: 2018 feet

Hdg: 41.190 true (MagVar 1.200), Oil-treated, 11879 x 156 ft

Primary ILS ID = CH

Primary ILS: CH 110.50 Hdg: 41.2 , Flags: GS DME BC "CAT II ILS/DME 04L"

Secondary ILS ID = KLK

Secondary ILS: KLK 110.90 Hdg: 221.2 , Flags: GS DME BC "ILS/DME 22R"

*** Runway *** EKCH0041 Lat 55.592133 Long 12.603362 Alt 17 Hdg 40 Len 11879 Wid 156 ILS 110.50, Flags: GS DME BC

*** Runway *** EKCH0222 Lat 55.616653 Long 12.641349 Alt 17 Hdg 220 Len 11879 Wid 156 ILS 110.90, Flags: GS DME BC

and from the .csv:


So, for runway 22R there is an offset of 2018 ft, and the result in the .csv file is for the end of the runway, not for the threshold.

The AIRAC data is reporting the threshold, so there is a 2018 ft difference.

Is there any way it can be changed so that the threshold goes in the CSV file ? Or do you have another suggestion ?


Peter SAS1376

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Is there any way it can be changed so that the threshold goes in the CSV file ?

Which CSV? There are several. And they are all formatted to meet the needs of specific programs, so I cannot change them.

The R4 and R5 CSV files are clearly documented as containing the threshold offset value. Why are you choosing the file which doesn't?


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Ah OK. I was using runways.csv, did obviously not pay enough attention to the others.

Looks like it would make sense for me to use R4 and do the calculation from threshold to runway start myself, using the offset value.

Thanks for your help.


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