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Axis Assignments FSX

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This is my first post here, so I hope that I'm posting in the right place.

I would like to use one of the throttle handles on my Saitek throttle quadrant as a spoiler lever. I would like to be able to set the spoilers incrementally. I had this working at one time with the throttle on the CH Yoke, but now I have the Saitek yoke and throttle quadrant and I can't seem to get it to work right. :(

Has anyone done something like this if so, what do I need to do to get this working right?

Thank you for your time and help.


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I would like to use one of the throttle handles on my Saitek throttle quadrant as a spoiler lever. I would like to be able to set the spoilers incrementally.

What do you mean "incrementally"? Normally, with an axis for this, you'd use it continuously, not incrementally, with a "down" or "stowed" region (at one end), and an "Arm" zone. Then the rest continuous to full flight or ground detente -- FSUIPC offers "Arm" but not a separate "Flight" detente.

I had this working at one time with the throttle on the CH Yoke, but now I have the Saitek yoke and throttle quadrant and I can't seem to get it to work right.

Don't forget to reverse the axis ("REV") before calibrating, and get into the air before attempting to calibrate, because FS has the habit of deploying full speedbrake if you operate it on the ground.



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Thank you for the replay.

I've got it working! I don't think it was a problem with FSUIPC. It seem that a entry in the cfg file "auto_spoiler_available = 1" was keeping the spoilers from working increments. When I change the =1 to =0 the spoilers that I assigned through FSUIPC, to one of the throttle started working perfectly.

Also thank you the heads up the axis "REV".

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