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Hi Peter,

Have installed latest FSUIPC from http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html and registered it.

All went fine, the dll was detected with the correct signature when I ran fsx and windows sought my approval to run the dll.

But then on the main menu page, fsx crashed when I tried to select 'Free Flight'.

The Free Flight menu opens and a few seconds later the crash message appears.

All other menu items on the main page of fsx open ok.

No amount of restarts of fsx or the OS has resolved the problem.

OS is win7 32

Your thoughts.

Cheers, Rob


You posted your support request to the "User Contributions" subforum, for some reason. I've moved it to the Support Forum, or it won't get answered.

But then on the main menu page, fsx crashed when I tried to select 'Free Flight'.

The Free Flight menu opens and a few seconds later the crash message appears.

All other menu items on the main page of fsx open ok.

No amount of restarts of fsx or the OS has resolved the problem.

FSUIPC knows nothing of that menu and isn't involved. What makes you think your problem is related to FSUIPC?

If you still think it is, please show me the FSUIPC4.LOG file which you will find in the FSX Modules folder.




You posted your support request to the "User Contributions" subforum, for some reason. I've moved it to the Support Forum, or it won't get answered.

Unexpected forum layout, arrived here direct from external link, bottom part is off screen on my monitor and apparently was slow to load at my end and hence not scrollable, so didn't know it was there.

FSUIPC knows nothing of that menu and isn't involved. What makes you think your problem is related to FSUIPC?

Because the problem only appeared after installing FSUIPC.

If I move the dll out of the modules folder, fsx works fine again.

I've also noted another behavior.

When I initially closed fsx to install FSUIPC, the main menu item that fsx was on when I closed it was 'Settings'.

Because fsx remembers the last menu item you were on, when I restarted fsx after installing FSUIPC, it loaded up the Settings menu again and all seemed fine at that point.

It wasn't until I clicked on Free Flight that the crash occurred - that's the story to date.

However, I have also noted that after moving the dll out of the modules folder to confirm that fsx was ok again, I had then closed fsx while it was on the Free Flight menu.

I then moved the dll back into the modules folder and tried running fsx again and to my surprise, the Free Flight menu appeared, the selected plane was rotating and there was no crash. I thought I was in luck!

But alas, I clicked 'Fly Now', the scenery etc. began loading and right at the end of that, just before the cockpit appears, it crashed again.

The log file is below



********* FSUIPC4, Version 4.82 by Pete Dowson *********

User Name="Rob"

User Addr="dream@........"

FSUIPC4 Key is provided

WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired

Running inside FSX on Windows 7

Module base=61000000

63 System time = 10/04/2012 17:50:43

63 FLT path = "C:\Users\RD\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\"

94 Trying to connect to SimConnect SP1 May07 ...

94 FS path = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\"

906 LogOptions=00000000 00000001

906 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed

906 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay

906 Trying to use SimConnect SP1 May07

2609 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61355.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61242.0)

2609 Initialising SimConnect data requests now

2609 FSUIPC Menu entry added

2703 c:\users\rd\documents\flight simulator x files\YPJT 6L day.FLT

2703 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR


But alas, I clicked 'Fly Now', the scenery etc. began loading and right at the end of that, just before the cockpit appears, it crashed again.

Okay. The point it crashes very stronly suggests a corrupted Weather file.

One of the things FSUIPC will be doing once started and FSX is almost ready to fly, is getting the weather data regularly from SimConnect, so it can feed it to applications asking for it. There are a couple of binary files involved in the weather -- the WX file associated with the Flight being loaded, and the WXstationlist file in the same folder as your FSX.CFG file. SimConnect doesn't appear to check these at all and simply loads them up as if they are okay. It's only when something actually ewants access to the data that it crashes.

The former can get corrupted if the saved flight file was interrupted or something else happened. The station list can get corrupted by bad data downloads form the FS real weather site.

So first, try deleting or removing the WX file associated with the flight being loaded, i.e.YPJT 6L day.WX, identified by the line:

2703 c:\users\rd\documents\flight simulator x files\YPJT 6L day.FLT

If that doesn't fix it, try replacing the WXstationlist with the default one found in FSX's weather folder.




Removed the wx file without saving the flight so as not to create a new wx - didn't solve.

Then tried saving the flight so as to allow fsx to create a new wx - still no joy.

The only WXstationlist file is a .bin in the weather folder.

If fsx is started on the Free Flight menu [no crash at this point] but I then click any other menu item [still no crash], then go back to Free Flight, fsx crashes, so it does seem to be a conflict much earlier on, right at the start.

The only difference I can see with the Free Flight menu as compared to the others, is the rotating animation of the aircraft of choice.

Here's the crash log:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH

Application Name: fsx.exe

Application Version: 10.0.61355.0

Application Timestamp: 4643ee0a

Fault Module Name: API.DLL

Fault Module Version: 10.0.61355.0

Fault Module Timestamp: 4643f2a9

Exception Code: c0000005

Exception Offset: 00038989

OS Version: 6.1.7600.

Locale ID: 3081

Additional information about the problem:

LCID: 3081




If fsx is started on the Free Flight menu [no crash at this point] but I then click any other menu item [still no crash], then go back to Free Flight, fsx crashes, so it does seem to be a conflict much earlier on, right at the start.

Yes, I would tend to agree. And that's at a point where FSUIPC is not actually doing anything.

Here's the crash log:


Fault Module Name: API.DLL

Okay, so it is looking like a corrupted aircraft. I think the difference with or without FSUIPC installed is misleading -- maybe causing a timing difference or changing the memory layout just sufficiently to make something crash which otherwise might only have created a graphics glitch.

If it isn't the aircraft (which appears to be a default FSX one), then I would suspect something else in FSX's setup.

As an experiment, just try renaming the FSX.CFG file so that it makes a new default one.


Posted (edited)

Still no joy.

I moved the current fsx.cfg to the desktop then ran fsx. It created a new fsx.cfg, then asked me to allow the dll to run [like at first install] and then opened the main menu > free flight with the default ultralight aircraft, then crashed with the same log for api.dll and exception code.

edit: should also mention that I have orbx ftx Au sp4 and orbx Jandakot airport installed. They're the only two addons that I have installed.

Edited by RobD

Sorry, meant to say that fsx launched at the 'home' menu item. I then clicked Free Flight, the default ultralight shows, rotates a tiny bit then freezes then fsx crashes.


Sorry, meant to say that fsx launched at the 'home' menu item. I then clicked Free Flight, the default ultralight shows, rotates a tiny bit then freezes then fsx crashes.

I honestly don't know any way possible for FSUIPC to be involved in that at all.

At a last attempt at seeing what is going on, please get a SimConnect log. there are instructions for that in the FAQ subforum.

I am suspecting now that your FSX installation is corrupt.




The log generated is very verbose! Some 350k in size:)

I launched fsx and while it was on the home menu item, I copied the log to the desktop. I then clicked on Free Flight, waited for the crash then made another copy of the log to see the difference.

So theirs SimConnect0 home.Log and SimConnect0 freeflight.Log attached to this reply.

Here are the last few lines from the post crash SimConnect0 freeflight.Log

Flags=3, origin=0, interval=0, limit=0

< 47.21594 [63] Event: 10

< 47.21599 [63] EventFrame: 27 0.000000

< 47.33704 [63] EventFrame: 27 0.416405

< 47.33714 [63] EventFrame: 2 0.416405

< 47.35632 [63] Event: 4

< 47.35634 [63] Event: 4

< 47.35635 [63] Event: 4

< 47.35643 [63] Event: 4

< 47.35646 [63] Event: 4

< 47.44316 [63] EventFrame: 27 9.432457

< 47.44328 [63] EventFrame: 2 9.432457

< 47.44618 [63] Event: 4

< 47.44631 [63] Event: 3

< 47.44636 [63] ObjectData: RequestID=-536870912 DefineID=-86050082 dwSize=556

Ah, have just discovered that I can't attach .log files.

Do you want me to email them to you?

I must curl up and slip into a quiet coma now - will reply tomorrow.




The log generated is very verbose! Some 350k in size:)

I launched fsx and while it was on the home menu item, I copied the log to the desktop. I then clicked on Free Flight, waited for the crash then made another copy of the log to see the difference.

So theirs SimConnect0 home.Log and SimConnect0 freeflight.Log attached to this reply.

Here are the last few lines from the post crash SimConnect0 freeflight.Log


Ah, have just discovered that I can't attach .log files.

You can if you ZIP them, but best to ZIP them anyway (they compress very well indeed) and send to petedowson@btconnect.com.



You can if you ZIP them, but best to ZIP them anyway (they compress very well indeed) and send to petedowson@btconnect.com.








Three things of note.

1. You appear to be using an older version of FSX -- you haven't applied the SP2 update nor installed Acceleration. I will try to set up an install here with just FSX + SP1 here to see if I can see any problem, but I'm not sure when I can do this. Is there any reason you are not updating FSX? There were quite a few SimConnect bugs still before SP2. All my systems are at SP2 level at present. To get back to SP1 I think i'll need to reinstall Windows 7 because uninstalling FSX, espcially SimConnect, merely causes really bad problems.

2. The SimConnect log seems to show that the crash occurs when FSUIPC has received notification of lots of AI Traffic being added, with the last logged item being its very first request for data on an AI aircraft. So another possibility is that the traffic file is corrupted.

3. Is the flight being loaded starting Paused? One of the few last details sent by SimConnect was that the Sim was paused. This is not the same as being stuck loading.


Okay, I can reproduce the exact same crash in API.DLL when I run FSX with only the SP1 update installed, so there is some compatibility problem there. I'll investigate this tomorrow (getting late here now) Meanwhile I would still strongly advise updating with SP2.


Okay, I can prevent the crash with SP1 if I set the InitDelay parameter in FSUIPC4.INI to a value which prevents it trying to connect ot SimConnect until FSX is ready to fly. I used InitDelay=30 -- it took less than this to press "Fly Now" and get into the sim, but if it takes longer it still crashes.

It's weird, becaise there are no facilities used in SP1's SmConnect which aren't supported and working in SP1, and this is proven by the fact that it runs perfectly ones initialised correctly. So it is a bug in the SP1 SimConnect which causes a conflict when it is initialised whilst the rest of FSX is setting itself up.

I've no idea what actions in FSUIPC might be causing this, so it will take some experimentation The actual crash is not in FSUIPC and in fact FSUIPC isn't even in the chain of events leading to the crash, so it is something FSUIPC has set in motion. As the SimConnect log seems to point to AI Traffic data, i'll see if I can delay anything involving that until FS is ready to fly.

One of these days I may have to withdraw support for older versions of FSX, they are so buggy it is difficult to avoid these problems whilst still improving FSUIPC.




To be fair to Pete there is absolutely no reason to not install at least FSX SP2, unless the OP has some FS9 aircraft he wants to use in FSX. SP2 broke the way window transparency worked for FS9 aircraft used in FSX when it was raining, so you couldn't see out the windows when it rained or was foggy, if I remember correctly that is the only reason I can think of for sticking with SP1. Surely there are fixes for or updates to these unsupported aircraft by now?


I've no idea what actions in FSUIPC might be causing this, so it will take some experimentation The actual crash is not in FSUIPC and in fact FSUIPC isn't even in the chain of events leading to the crash, so it is something FSUIPC has set in motion. As the SimConnect log seems to point to AI Traffic data, i'll see if I can delay anything involving that until FS is ready to fly.

Okay. Found it!

It isn't AI aircraft traffic, but the AI ground vehicels. You can fix it by simply changing the "DeleteVehiclesForAES" setting in the FSUIPC4.INI file to "No" instead of "Yes".

AES isn't supported in SP1 or earlier in any case, so this will do no harm. I will change FSUIPC4 so that it doesn't ask SimConnect for ground vehicle data before SP2 in any case. That'll be in the next update (4.821), but meanwhile the fix is that INI change.




AES isn't supported in SP1 or earlier in any case, so this will do no harm. I will change FSUIPC4 so that it doesn't ask SimConnect for ground vehicle data before SP2 in any case. That'll be in the next update (4.821), but meanwhile the fix is that INI change.

Okay, 4.821 is released. See the Download Links subforum.




Hi Peter,

Thats good news :)

The reason I hadn't installed sp2 was because I intended to install accelleration at some point, just hadn't got around to it as yet.

I'm off to Melb for a few days, Will update when I get back on Sat.




Hi Peter,

Finally had a chance to try the updated FSUIPC4 and it works great, thanks!! :)

Next mission is to install acceleration.

Peter, your support here is outstanding, second to none!!

Thanks for your efforts



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