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I am very dissapoint to simflight beacuse they dont care about clients.

anyway today brought FSUIPC 4 for simflight.

But i cant change button key for my saitek switch pannel and muti pannel with PDMG 747ngx. It means I dont need a FSUIPC4 program(not enught information on simflight). I want to get money back. Please undertand

Thanks my email address is mccafe369@hotmail.com

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I moved your post because you put it in the FAQ subforum where it won't get answered.

I am very dissapoint to simflight beacuse they dont care about clients.

Really? How do you work that out? I think they care very much about clients. Otherwise they could not exist!

But i cant change button key for my saitek switch pannel and muti pannel with PDMG 747ngx. It means I dont need a FSUIPC4 program(not enught information on simflight).

Why can't you change buttons programming? Everyone else seems to manage well enough. Maybe you cannot understand the documentation? Please see the User Contributions subforum where you will find lots of help and examples, especially for the PMDG 737NGX.

And SimFlight don't provide information about FSUIPC, I do, here and in the documentation installed. You can always install FSUIPC before paying for it, and read its documentation and browse all the stuff in this Forum before deciding. It is no excuse paying for it and then saying you didn't know what it would do for you!

BTW I am on holiday soon, back on May 15th, so please forgive any delays from now on.



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