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I'm using the PMDG 737 (as well as other planes) and found that that key mapping of the plane itself is able to see that I'm assigning a numeric keypad key, but when I try to assign that numeric key to a button via FSUIPC I get "NumL" for any key I press.

I'm I doing something wrong or FSUIPC doesn't support key pads at this time?



I'm I doing something wrong or FSUIPC doesn't support key pads at this time?

FSUIPC sees all of the KeyCodes listed in the documentation, including the different codes for the numpad normally to the right of the main keyboard. I don't know of any separate numpad that doesn't simply duplicate the same pad as that on most keyboards, and there are no other keycodes listed by Windows for such.

If you can't make it work, enable keys logging in FSUIPC, try the keys and show me the log.



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