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FSUIPC axis values same.

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I have been working with your products for quite a while and normally can find the answer by just looking but I am stumped at then moment.

First I have Prepar3D installed. I have a full Saitek control system that I want to use with FSUIPC. today when I started the identifing and calibration I noticed that the very first control I tried to set just stayed in one position, As I checked I found that the AXIS number stay the same. If I move the lever to full I get a 16383 IN and a 16256 OUT, when I move the lever full down I get a - 16384 IN/OUT. This is also with send direct to calibration. When I go over to Calibration I get no response to that lever that was set.

I am running your latest 4828 upfdate.

If FSUIPC sees the lever moving can I assume that communication is established between PREPAR3D and FSUIPC? If not is there a way I can test it.

When I set the buttons I am having no issues. It is the AXIS that are not reading correctly. I sure it is something that I have not done correctly but there is little info out there right now to help.

Thank you for supporting PREPAR3D I think it has the potential to be what FSX could have been.

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First I have Prepar3D installed. I have a full Saitek control system that I want to use with FSUIPC. today when I started the identifing and calibration I noticed that the very first control I tried to set just stayed in one position, As I checked I found that the AXIS number stay the same.

Sorry, please clarify. What do you mean by "axis number"? Axes are actually lettered -- X, Y, Z, R, U, V for instance. Do you mean the value being seen? And by "one position" do you mean the number didn't change? If so, that appears to clash with your next line:

If I move the lever to full I get a 16383 IN and a 16256 OUT, when I move the lever full down I get a - 16384 IN/OUT.

Do you mean there are no values between? If so then I think you are suffering from a bug in the way the Saitek installs, one which is fixed by a Registry change. It isn't anything to do with FSUIPC itself, and has been reported and fixed many times. Either do a search here or, better, refer to Saitek's support forum.



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Sirxamoc, This sounds very similar to what I saw the other night when I was playing with a lever I have on my TM HOTAS Warthog Throttle.

The lever I was playing with on my throttle is assigned to "Slider" when I look at it under windows Game Controllers to test it.

What I was finding was if I moved the lever to any positive position past the middle detent FSUIPC would imediately display +16383, If I came to the negative side of the middle detent then I would immediately get a value of -16383 with nothing in between, It was acting almost like a switch !!

Anyhow what I did was go into windows Games Controllers, Select my Throtttle, Click on properties, Click on Settings TAB, Then select calibarate.

I went throught the full calibaration procedure for all Axis, After this FSUIPC was reporting the values as expected, I could then move the lever anywhere from -16383 to +16383 with all the values in between, just like it should.

This was under Windows XP, I would imagine Win7 will have a similar procedure in the control panel area, if thats what you are using.

Give that a go & see how you fair.

Regards Glenn.

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Sorry, when I said axis number I should say that the axis that I was trying to set, the values in window next to the Delta under Raw that have in out are pretty much the same. there is no great variance. I may have to scrap trying to have FSX and PREPAR3D on the same machine. As this may be the major source of my issues.

Thanks for the quick response.

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I may have to scrap trying to have FSX and PREPAR3D on the same machine. As this may be the major source of my issues.

No, there is absolutely no problem having both on the same PC, even on the same drive. They do not interfere with each other in any way whatsoever.

The problem I *think* you ar decribing (though I can't be sure without the answers to my earlier questions) is a well-known one which occurs with Saitek devices and is easily fixed by a registry change. I don't have the details to hand. Please search or check the Saitek forum.


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