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Lost FSUIPC and ACCUFEEL from Addons!

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HI folks, I know its something dumb that I must have done earlier today that has probably resulted in FSUIPC4 and another program, (Accufeel), from showing up in the drop-down list in FSX, (and Simconnect... I think).

Simconnect isn't there either! I was very busy working and at some point I needed to remove an older version of an experimental plane before I installed the latest version.

I seem to remember seeing FSUIPC4 in a folder as I was removing or searching for something, (I swear I can't remember and that's probably the cause).

Anyway, "Modules" in the FSX folder has the FSUIPC and other program but it doesn't show up in the tool bar as I said. Should'nt they be in "Add-on Modules, BTW? I have the FSX Gold deluxe w/accl pack. Should I run the first disc and pick "Repair" if that disc has that to offer?

In my searches I saw something about Simconnect and how FSX has it on the disc but I'm afraid that if I run it I may overwrite and lose all my addons, (UTX, GEX FTX etc.).

I guess I'm saying that I'm afraid to make a move until I get some more substantial advice. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Rich

Windows 7 HP 64bit, i7 2600K 8gb Ram etc. etc.

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HI folks, I know its something dumb that I must have done earlier today that has probably resulted in FSUIPC4 and another program, (Accufeel), from showing up in the drop-down list in FSX, (and Simconnect... I think).

Simconnect isn't there either! I was very busy working and at some point I needed to remove an older version of an experimental plane before I installed the latest version.

Sounds like another one of those add-ons which makes a mess of the DLL.XML file.

Try just re-running the FSUIPC4 installer, and maybe also the Accu-Feel install. That should repair the DL.XML if possible. If not, then either delete the DLL.XML file and reinstall those again, or copy it into a message here (it's just a text file). you'll find it in the same folder as your FSX.CFG file. If you can't find that, show me the FSUIPC4 Install log which you will finf in the Modules folder ad I'll be able to tell you exactly.

Anyway, "Modules" in the FSX folder has the FSUIPC and other program but it doesn't show up in the tool bar as I said. Should'nt they be in "Add-on Modules, BTW? I have the FSX Gold deluxe w/accl pack. Should I run the first disc and pick "Repair" if that disc has that to offer?

No! I doubt that yor FSX is screwed up. It's one one diddy file, the DLL.XML, which tells SimConnect what add-ons to load.


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Thank You Pete! I'll get right on it. As you instructed; I'm going to run the re-installer for FSUIPC4, (I have the payware version), then if still nothing, I'll run the Accufeel installer, and then if still unsuccessful, I'll retrieve the dll.xml's for you to look at.

I 'll let you know what happens.

BTW: I went to a previous restore point last night but that didn't help.

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You sir, are a genious!!

You wouldn't believe the battle-plan I had prepared last night for trying to repair this, this morning! It was after 1AM so I awoke early today to address this issue because I have a Tuesday Deadline to meet on the manual I'm writing.

So here I was ready to apply one hour, (2 max), in an attempt to fix this and I had written up a step by step procedure that was going to be time consuming and blah, blah, blah...

But I went and tried your first suggestion, (digging my heels in , ready to do them all), and BAM! Running the FSUIPC installer did it!

I was so focused on the research/trials that I was doing yesterday and to this moment I'm convinced that I saw the 'warning sign' that this was going to happen but looked right 'through it'!

I need to pay more attention, whew! Thank you very much!


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