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Doors PMDG737NGX

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Hi Pete,

according to your FSUIPC offset for NGX, I could nearly create my whole overheadpanel. But there is one thing missing thet I can´t create as a Sioc-beginner with the offset $3367 I could only set up the FWD entry.

Here is my script:

Var 0089 Link FSUIPC_INOUT, Offset $3367, Length 1 // Door FWD_Entry


V0586 = TESTBIT V0089 ,0 // Door FWD_Entry


Var 0586, Link IOCARD_OUT, Output 89 // Door FWD_Entry

Now my question what do I have to change to show the other doors, Cargo, Airstair, Equip?

Thank you for your help and reply,


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Now my question what do I have to change to show the other doors, Cargo, Airstair, Equip?

I've no idea about SIOC scripts, but, as documented, the doors each have one bit -- bits 0, 1, 2 and 3. If SIOC cannot handle bits you'd need to write a Lua plug-in to act as an interface.


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