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installation question

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about one year ago I bought Fsuipc 4.751 with WideFS and I registered the software ( my email was different if you want detail I'll send it to you )

Now I'm building a moving cockpit simulator and I'm assembling a new computer didicated to flight sims.

I've installed DCS World, Falcon BMS, FSX and Prepar 3d.

Now I need to install FSUIPC on this new computer to use as interface with the simulator.

I have two question before to do any mismatch

first: I like to upgrade the software to the new fsuipc4,.853 version. it is possible ?

In case of affirmative answer, what is the right procedure to do the upgrade

second wathever version I'll have, I realize that doing the installation of FSUIPC will be completed both FSX and Prepar 3d simulator ; it is right?

If I need more info for this porpose that I forgot ( or that I ignore ), please inform myself.

Thanks in advance for your kind attention

Best regards..


ps I apologize for my bad English, be patient

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You Support query has been moved from the FAQ subforum to the Support Forum, where it can be answered.

about one year ago I bought Fsuipc 4.751 with WideFS and I registered the software ( my email was different if you want detail I'll send it to you )

You didn't buy 4.751, but FSUIPC4. You need to keep it up to date if you want support. The earliest supported version is 4.853.

first: I like to upgrade the software to the new fsuipc4,.853 version. it is possible ?

In case of affirmative answer, what is the right procedure to do the upgrade

Just download and run the Installer. Do this for every new update.

second wathever version I'll have, I realize that doing the installation of FSUIPC will be completed both FSX and Prepar 3d simulator ; it is right?

I'm not sure I understand the question. The installer installs into both FSX and P3D automatically, if that's what you are asking.



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