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Dear Pete

i think that would be usefull if you could add the steering set to the axis assigment in order to be able to calibrate from FSUIPC as an axis as happen with the aleirons, rudder.....

in this way we could set dead zone, slope.....

just an idea



i think that would be usefull if you could add the steering set to the axis assigment in order to be able to calibrate from FSUIPC as an axis as happen with the aleirons, rudder.....

in this way we could set dead zone, slope.....

I think you must mean allowing the Steering Tiller calibration to operate on the FSX steering set control just as it does on FSUIPC's own steering tiller control. FSUIPC's axis assignment already allows assignment to the FSX steering set control -- it's in the FS controls dropdown.

Alternatively I could have an option in the FSUIPC4.INI file for the FSUIPC steering tiller assignment to use the FS control instead of its own method, as used before FSX.

I'll think about the best way. It's on my list.




actually i have configurated via fsuipc but as sterring set so you can not calibrated from fsuipc and you can not set a dead zone

Done. Version 4.859i, now downloadable from the Download Links subforum, allows you to calibrate Steering Set in FSUIPC.




Dear Pete.

i had download the update and i added the sterring tiller and calibrate form fsuipc.

the only problem is that now the sterring moves the rudder.

as i had it before, with FS normal axis and steering set selected, the rudder and the steering was independient.

now when i move the tiller , the rufdder moves, but when i push the rudder nothing happends

there is any way to have it like before but with the posibility of having independient rudder and tiller?

the tiller moves the gear and not the rudder



i had download the update and i added the sterring tiller and calibrate form fsuipc.

the only problem is that now the sterring moves the rudder.

The FSUIPC "steering tiller" always moves the rudder. There's no way around that. Only the new FSX steering set" control dsteers without moving the rudder.

as i had it before, with FS normal axis and steering set selected, the rudder and the steering was independient.

So why did you change?



Hi pete

I changed to be able to calibrated throught fsuipc and to be able to have a dead zone.

Why doing it thorugh fsuipc the tiller is linked to the rudder and if you do it via steering set not?

Can ou add that function to have it separately as in the real plane?

Thanks so much



I changed to be able to calibrated throught fsuipc and to be able to have a dead zone.

Assign in the "FS control" mode to Steering Set, then, not in the "Direct To Calibration" mode Steering Tiller. In Axis assignments, move your tiller, clear the assignment, select FS control mode and scroll down the list to find Steering Set. THAT's the FS control, and THAT's the only one not linked to the rudder!

Why doing it thorugh fsuipc the tiller is linked to the rudder and if you do it via steering set not?

The FSUIPC steering tiller uses the rudder to steer, because in all versions up to FSX that was the only way to steer! Only in FSX and P3D does the FS steering set control exist.

Can ou add that function to have it separately as in the real plane?

As I said, obviously badly, use the steering set, not the FSUIPC steering tiller!


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