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Elevator authority when A/P is active

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Hi Pete,

I've an unusual question related to how FSX operates vertical AP which you may be able to help with - although it's not specifcally a FSUIPC issue.

This relates to the default Baron 58, but I assume it applies more generally.

When AP is active FSX appears to reduce the control authority of the elevator input movement to about 9-10% of normal. For example a 100% displacement of the stick (0BB2) produces an approx 9% elevator control input (0BB4). This seems logical if FS AP is controlling vertical situation by elevator trim adjustments which might otherwise be overwhelmed by an unexpected elevator stick movement.

I'm hoping to find out if this moderation of the elevator control authority when AP is active can be removed or disabled? I've done a bit of looking/experimenting but can't see any obvious way of doing this.

By way of background the question relates to interfacing a flight control loader system with FSX - I'm investigating possibilities for alternative methods to the one I currently use.

I fear it's a built-in behaviour of the FS AP engine..



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When AP is active FSX appears to reduce the control authority of the elevator input movement to about 9-10% of normal. For example a 100% displacement of the stick (0BB2) produces an approx 9% elevator control input (0BB4). This seems logical if FS AP is controlling vertical situation by elevator trim adjustments which might otherwise be overwhelmed by an unexpected elevator stick movement.

Hmm. I didn't know it allowed any authority. That's interesting. I've rarely used FS's autopilot being a very long-standing Project Magenta user.

I'm hoping to find out if this moderation of the elevator control authority when AP is active can be removed or disabled? I've done a bit of looking/experimenting but can't see any obvious way of doing this.

By way of background the question relates to interfacing a flight control loader system with FSX - I'm investigating possibilities for alternative methods to the one I currently use.

Apart from relieving FS itself of the duty of managing pitch control, as probably several of the more sophisticated add-ons (PMDG, iFly, etc) do, I really don't know. If you must use a default aircraft you could try using FSUIPC's rather experimental feedback control faciities.



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